Tarot Card Meanings

The Tarot consists of two parts, the Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana is comprised of 22 cards, and it is the only arcana to always show images (the minor often only shows the number of symbols corresponding to its place in the suite). It is generally agreed that the Major Arcana illustrates the soul’s journey to enlightenment. The journey begins with the innocent Fool and reaches its completion with the last card of the Major Arcana – The World. Some of the cards are named after notions or ideas, such as Strength or Justice. Other cards might be described as job descriptions, and ask us to imagine what kind of skills and character a person with that occupation might need to possess (or avoid). Thus, The Emperor might suggest the qualities of leadership and authority but warn against irresponsibility and rebelliousness. The most esoteric cards in the Major Arcana are those connected with the heavens, such as The Moon and The Star.

Major Arcana Tarot Cards

Below is the list of Major Arcana cards. Please click on the image of the card you’re interested in to read about the meanings of that card.

The Fool

Eternal optimist, exploration, adventure, immaturity, passion, unpredictability, a quest.
The Magician

Confidence, skill, good communication, dishonesty, focus, knowledge.
The High Priestess

Good Judgement, self-reliance, intuition, psychic ability, secrets revealed, wasted potential.
The Empress

Maternal instincts, motherhood, creativity, domestic well-being, luxury, sensuality.
The Emperor

Paternal influences, fatherhood, institutions, organisation, stability, promotion, rules.
The Hierophant

Good advice, conformity, orthodoxy, formal learning, traditional values.
The Lovers

Love, relationships, a choice, seeking love, partnership, conflicting options.
The Chariot

Hard work, self-control, being pulled in two directions, ambition, journeys, victory.

Fair treatment, karma, winning a judgement, balance, taking responsibility, cause and effect.
The Hermit

Solitude, detachment, discretion, seeking the truth, going on retreat, introvert, meditative.
The Wheel of Fortune

Cyclical change, endings and beginnings, opportunities, inevitability, a turning point.
The Strength

Good health, willpower, confronting problems, overcoming difficulties, compassion, courage.
The Hanged Man

Willing sacrifice, attainment, progress, boredom, changing priorities, a new approach.

Change, outgrowing a situation, new beginnings, release, parting, accepting the inevitable.

Patience, control, harmony, reason, moderation, healing.
The Devil

Lust, temptation, anger, weakness of character, greed, entrapment, addictive behaviour.
The Tower

Sudden change, unexpected events, revelations, learning to adapt, a shock.
The Star

Good fortune, happiness, acceptance, health, resolution, love, trust, self-expression.
The Moon

Secrets, the subconscious, delusion, introspection, unrealistic, psychic abilities, exaggeration.
The Sun

Education, learning, wisdom, success, achievement, self-confidence, new friendships.

Natural change, making the right choice, progression, new ideas, achievement, decisions, re-evaluating.
The World

Completion, reward, satisfaction, celebration, travel, accomplishing goals.

List of Pentacle Tarot cards

Below is the list of Pentacle Tarot cards. Please click on the image of the card you’re interested in to read about the meanings of that card.

Ace of Pentacles

Reward, abundance, prosperity, recognition, emotional security, materialism.
Two of Pentacles

Change, fluctuation, uncertainty, resolution, glitches, loss of focus, adapting, flexibility.
Three of Pentacles

Material gain, expertise, skill, teamwork, planning, satisfaction, obsessed with detail.
Four of Pentacles

Stubbornness, security, contentment, controlling, greed, selfishness, materialism.
Five of Pentacles

Loss, rejection, worry, financial concerns, hardship, insecurity, anxiety, prioritise.
Six of Pentacles

Prosperity, philanthropy, generosity, power, charity, patronage, gifts, giving and receiving.
Seven of Pentacles

Taking time out, relaxing, earned success, pleasure in achievement, setting new goals.
Eight of Pentacles

Diligence, discipline, willingness to work hard, skill, craft, knowledge.
Nine of Pentacles

Wealth, success, achievement, solitude, independence, accomplishment.
Ten of Pentacles

Conformity, conservative, security, convention, tradition, family life, inheritance.
Page of Pentacles

Scholarship, effort, news, promotion, focus, conscientiousness, realism.
Knight of Pentacles

Hardworking, persistent, traditionalist, dogmatic, dependable, inflexible, faithful.
Queen of Pentacles

Home, family, down-to-earth, practical, sensuous, reliable, loyal, caring.
King of Pentacles

Competent, responsible, reaching the top, insensitivity, materialistic, promotion.

List of Swords Tarot cards

Below is the list of Swords Tarot cards. Please click on the image of the card you’re interested in to read about the meanings of that card.

Ace of Swords

Focus, mental clarity, willpower, logic, intellect, lack of empathy, objectivity.
Two of Swords

Repressed emotions, denial, pretended indifference, conflict resolution, peace.
Three of Swords

Hurt, painful truth, separation, new beginnings, rejection, alienation, feeling let down.
Four of Swords

Respite, withdrawal, healing, relaxing, taking stock, slowing down, truce, contemplation.
Five of Swords

Defeat, knowing your limitations, pyrrhic victory, hostility, conflict, humiliation.
Six of Swords

Hope, travel, recovery, leaving the past behind, new ideas, overcoming difficulties.
Seven of Swords

Dishonesty, cunning, manipulation, cheating, refusal to face the truth, opposition.
Eight of Swords

Frustration, restriction, feeling trapped, vulnerability, self-sabotage, playing the victim.
Nine of Swords

Pain, anguish, self-depreciation, mishaps, misfortune, guilt, worry, regrets.
Ten of Swords

Desolation, misery, failure, ruin, hope, a brighter future, recovery, resolution.
Page of Swords

Young at heart, honest, intellect, new ideas, vigilance, logic, reason, challenges.
Knight of Swords

Confident, frank, impulsive, tactless, impatient, intellect, analysis, insensitive.
Queen of Swords

Direct, realistic, straightforward, open, honest, unemotional, independent, misanthropic.
King of Swords

Bully, authoritarian, just, assertive, intelligent, cold, highly principled, honourable.

List of Cups Tarot cards

Below is the list of Cups Tarot cards. Please click on the image of the card you’re interested in to read about the meanings of that card.

Ace of Cups

Joy, love, happiness, emotions, sensitivity, self-awareness, creativity, spiritual progress.
Two of Cups

Partnership, relationships, happiness, affinity, attraction, bonds, understanding, forgiveness.
Three of Cups

Abundance, good fortune, security, prosperity, celebration, creativity, friends, community.
Four of Cups

Apathy, boredom, dullness, lack of direction, passivity, self-centred, feeling sorry for yourself.
Five of Cups

Loss, disappointment, heartache, new hope, regrets, feeling deprived, acceptance.
Six of Cups

The past, memories, reminiscences, childhood, inner child, playfulness.
Seven of Cups

Imagination, subconscious, dreams, aspirations, hopes, confusion, self-indulgence, too many choices.
Eight of Cups

Changes, moving on, exploration, seeking the truth, self-discovery, recklessness.
Nine of Cups

Well-being, contentment, happiness, satisfaction, self-satisfied, smug, sensuality.
Ten of Cups

Achievement, contentment, commitment, family, happiness, domesticity.
Page of Cups

Creativity, education, news, love, demonstrative, emotion, flirting, dreaming.
Knight of Cups

Sensitivity, romance, over dramatic, rescue, imagination, falseness, two faced.
Queen of Cups

Compassion, kindness, empathy, sensitivity, unconditional love, emotionally aware, unstable behaviour.
King of Cups

Good advice, maturity, authority, threat, wisdom, sang froid, balance, controlled emotion.

List of Wands Tarot cards

Below is the list of Wands Tarot cards. Please click on the image of the card you’re interested in to read about the meanings of that card.

Ace of Wands

Creativity, new enterprises, inventiveness, action, excitement, frustration, adventure.
Two of Wands

Achievement, courage, overcoming self-doubt, uncertainty, arrogance, power.
Three of Wands

Opportunities, inventiveness, long term goals, partnership, ambition, stubbornness.
Four of Wands

Completion, peace, security, harmony, changes of abode, delayed returns.
Five of Wands

Struggle, aggravation, over competitiveness, frustration, perseverance, hard work.
Six of Wands

Success, triumph, rewards, victory, modesty, new information, hubris, feeling superior.
Seven of Wands

Courage, testing, conflicts, challenges, stamina, delayed rewards, resolve, principles.
Eight of Wands

Swift action, speedy developments, action, travel, over eager, rash judgements.
Nine of Wands

Strength, resourcefulness, potential difficulties, defence, prepared, resilience.
Ten of Wands

Burden, heavy load, over eager to please, blaming yourself, oppression.
Page of Wands

Energy, loyalty, new beginnings, enthusiasm, light hearted, charm, admirer.
Knight of Wands

Charming, shallow, impetuous, daring, passionate, excitement, travel, change.
Queen of Wands

Magnetic, attractive, home loving, practical, generous, independent, dependable.
King of Wands

Authority, energy, mediation, money, domineering, role model, bold, dramatic.