Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Strength Tarot Card Keywords

Good health, willpower, confronting problems, overcoming difficulties, compassion, courage.

Strength Tarot Card Description

At first sight, this card seems to suggest a career in veterinary medicine of a very dangerous variety. A rather over-dressed female figure seems to be inspecting a lion’s jaws for dental cavities. You might imagine that the lion (who is presumably the physically stronger of the two) might decide to register his displeasure in a direct manner. Yet, he allows the woman to subdue him.

Upright Meaning

Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that your physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so you need to think about strength in a more profound way. The Strength card can refer to mental strength – it could be telling you that you need to confront any issues that are troubling you, not in an arrogant or aggressive way, but by using reason and compassion. Strength asks you to appreciate that whilst some compromise may be valuable, backing down to the point where you are sacrificing your goals or morals is not. Strength is an important relationship card, it may also ask you to have the confidence to forgive and forget, or even accept those dear to you may need some time alone. In one to one relationships, romantic or otherwise, you may find someone has been doing their best to send you up the wall and racing along the ceiling. No-one could blame you for losing your cool, but using your compassion and your ability to see their side of the argument, will produce much better results than exploding like Vesuvius. Count to ten, count to twenty, and if all else fails count to one hundred. In love matters, gentle persuasion is the key to soothing any troubled waters. However, don’t forget to examine your own motives and emotional responses too.

Reversed Meaning

Reversed Strength suggests there is an issue regarding a lack of self-control which has led to emotional and physical self-indulgence. This in turn, has weakened your moral stamina and has set you struggling when life doesn’t quite go to plan. Equally, if you have been a bit grumpy, edgy or sharp tongued of late, you may need to ask yourself why. It could be that you are feeling a bit vulnerable or frustrated. Perhaps you don’t seem to have as much control over your situation as you would like. When it comes to love, is your relationship based on equality, or is one person doing all the giving whilst their partner is only too happy to take and offer little back? When reversed, Strength reminds us to have faith in our own abilities, and that if we can develop this trait, we will be able to overcome most problems.


It’s hard to forget past hurts, but you’ve moved forward, eased the pain, forgiven and forgotten. It maybe you have come to terms with the notion that you, or someone close to you, needed more space, or you have realised we can’t always have just what we want. You should be proud that you have shown such emotional strength.


You may be feeling frustrated. Focus on finding your emotional strength and idealism. This is the moment to face any negativity with determination. If this sounds bellicose remember compassion is also a form of strength. When anger erupts stay calm and cool. In relationships could it all be one-way traffic – are you giving too much and receiving nothing back?


If you want to succeed, tolerance will be the keyword and you’ll just have to accept others’ faults. Problems will not faze you and your mental and physical strength will be supercharged. Future lovers’ tiffs will not be solved by shouting, but by a softly softly approach – guide, don’t steer. Most of all understand your needs and responses to the issue.

The Strength Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Overcoming problems, supporting each other, willingness to take risks for love, willing to be vulnerable, compassion.

The Strength Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Fiery, passion and sizzling sensuality are part of Strength’s vibe in the Love Tarot. At this time your relationships should be jalapeno hot. This card suggests that your relationship may be very strong and passionate but all that emotion bubbling under the surface can lead to volcanic eruptions. If you find all this activity rather tiring you might need to develop the ability to control your impulses and think before you rush headlong into the next scene.

Strength also suggests you should be brave enough to be tender and compassionate as opposed to being domineering. You may also discover that you and your dearest one are becoming more skilled at judging each other’s needs and requirements. If you do find your darling getting on your nerves like nettle rash, try and take a step back and treat them gently; temper tantrums will get you nowhere.

Single folk may find their mojo supercharged at this time and flirty fun seems to lurk around every corner. Couples will find the fires of their relationship burning particularly bright at the moment and you can recapture the passion of your love’s earliest days.

Reversed Meaning

You and your partner are people not ivy plants so there’s no need to be so clingy. Romance is wonderful but other aspects of your life add to your fulfilment; don’t be too dependent on each other. It maybe that this Velcro act is an attempt to push your relationship further down the path of love, you can’t force romantic developments, learn to celebrate each stage as it comes.

If your partner is being domineering you may need to stand up for yourself more forcibly. Your needs are as important as theirs. Alternatively, trust may be something of an issue, particularly if you have had your fingers burnt in the past, try to let go of any negativity.

Single folks need to avoid putting up with just anyone rather than being alone. Come on, you’re worth more than that. Better be alone for a while than be miserable. There’s a whole world out there and when you least expect it a worthwhile winner will wander into your world.