Today’s Horoscope
Monday 10th February
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Need an original perspective on an issue or project? A creative and innovative energy today could bring exciting ideas into the mix, giving it sizzle. A sudden flash of insight might strike, turning a dull plan into something extraordinary. This cosmic spark brings a touch of genius to your creative thinking. It can shine with originality, and your newfound approach may even impress others.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Sunday 9th February
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may be looking at the pros and cons of getting involved in a relationship and this could be preventing you from taking the plunge. As the red planet Mars links arms with Saturn in your sign, you’ll be ready to ask friends for their take. While Mars can inspire you to break the ice and see what happens, Saturn can bring hidden fears to the surface, so you can more easily tackle them.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Tuesday 11th February
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Deep within, innovative ideas are bubbling. These insights could disrupt your usual way of thinking about key issues, but they hold the potential for profound healing and clever solutions. Trust these inner whispers, as they’re guiding you to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace fresh perspectives. Even if they shake things up, they’re paving the way for growth.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 10th February
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Full Moon in vibrant Leo, your feelings about your wellbeing will be very clear and you’ll be moved to do something about it. And as Mercury enters your sign, you’re likely to brim with ideas, eager to share your thoughts and showcase your array of skills. Whether it’s through writing, speaking or creative projects, your unique voice now needs to be heard, Pisces.
February Monthlies Horoscope
February Monthlies
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
This can be a very special month for your sign in particular, but it goes beyond your personal New Moon of the 28th, which sadly has the heavenly temerity to arrive so late. It’s because of the unique alliance between your second ruler, the aquatic Neptune and the North Node, back in your sign after a seventeen year absence. This shimmering duo can see you mesmerise and mystify in equal measure. Plus, your traditional guide Jupiter goes direct, just as his partner in fortune Venus moves into your everyday money sector. Thus, good news can be linked to family generosity, a property or home or local based enterprise. If you work for a corporation or have a stifling rigid role, the Full Moon on the 12th, could push you to think again, and as Mars helps you get seriously creative from the 24th, think about where you can use your unique charisma in a way which truly works for you.