Today’s Horoscope
Thursday 6th February
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Sun forges a link with reactive Mars in your sign, so the cosmos is urging you to face what isn’t working. It may be a plan, relationship, or habit, but clinging to it out of comfort won’t help you grow. Acknowledging likely won’t be easy, but once you do, you’ll feel lighter and ready to move forward. Letting go certainly doesn’t mean failure. It’s a step toward something better.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Wednesday 5th February
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may feel a growing urge to share something you’ve kept under wraps. Whether it’s a talent, idea or personal truth, bringing it into the open could be surprisingly rewarding. Today’s lunation suggests that going public might attract the support, recognitions or connections you’ve been longing for. Trust that the world is ready to receive what you’ve been quietly holding onto.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Friday 7th February
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As Venus and Pluto dance in alignment prepare for key conversations. Honesty is your friend but use it sensitively. While it may untangle knots, it could also strain bonds. Consider another’s viewpoint as empathy can help the wheels of understanding to turn. Your words hold power so use them to with care as with thoughtful communication connections will be strengthened.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 3rd February
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Venus glides into Aries so it’s time to highlight your appeal. Whether it’s a subtle way or a full-blown charm offensive, your charisma can work wonders in career and business affairs. Plus, Jupiter turning direct in Gemini fuels your drive to overcome limitations and break new ground. This is prime self-help season, and you’re ready to grow in ways that might surprise even you.
February Monthlies Horoscope
February Monthlies
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Mars in your sign since January the 6th, ends his Retrograde on the 24th this month, but as he does he forges a truly exciting link to the vibrant energies of Uranus. This combination can give you the confidence to cut through any life challenges and be truly dynamic in your approach. Mind, the Full Moon of the 12th, could see you grappling with a financial decision, and it’s possible that here Uranus will push you to follow your heart, not be guided by your bank balance. Later in February the theme moves firmly onto travel, exploration and higher education, as the desire to widen your life experience can bite in firmly. Anything which is too mundane could lose its lustre, once and for all.