Today’s Horoscope
Wednesday 12th February
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Expect a touch of drama, with the Leo Full Moon encouraging you to vent if something isn’t quite to your liking. And yet it’s generally the squeaky hinge that gets the oil, so by making your feelings clear you may get results. Plus, a link to Uranus could enhance the desire for instant results. You may be tempted to act too impulsively Aries, but it might backfire, so be patient!
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Tuesday 11th February
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Have a strong desire to stand out from the crowd? You could be drawn to investing in something that enhances your unique image, whether it’s a statement piece, a bold new style or sharing a fresh idea that sets you apart. Cutting-edge cosmic strands encourage you to embrace your individuality, Aries. Your daring choices could turn heads and inspire others to follow your lead.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Thursday 13th February
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Moon in Virgo squares the expansive Jupiter, which can lead to extremes. Yet this can fire up to tackle the fine print and analyse every detail with laser-like focus. It can work, but not every puzzle piece reveals the full picture. Today, your challenge is to zoom out. Ask yourself, is this truly crucial, or just noise? Embrace the broader perspective without losing your sharpness.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 10th February
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Full Moon in Leo suggests you’re ready to wear your heart on your sleeve and share your feelings in a way that’s nothing short of dramatic. Yet as Mercury enters Pisces, the words to articulate those elusive emotions and complex issues flow more naturally. Lucidity and sensitivity combine, helping give shape to what’s been lingering just beneath the surface.
February Monthlies Horoscope
February Monthlies
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your ruler stays in reverse until the 24th, suggesting that patience will be a virtue and especially around home, family or personal issues. But his links with both Uranus and Neptune offer some unique opportunities, especially to connect to those things which can bring newness to these very areas, but it will be your hunches that guide you. With Venus arriving on the 4th in your sign and angling in a fab way to deep Pluto, you may have a very powerful connection in the first ten days. That said, the Full Moon can also conjure up some big life choices, and maybe see you more impulsive. As the month goes on, you can take a lot of solace from finding space to reflect and review, and particularly on the 28th with the Pisces New Moon.