Today’s Horoscope

Wednesday 12th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

All you want is some peace and quiet, and yet you might be busier than ever, Virgo. If your to-do list is taller than you, then something certainly needs to change. This could be a precursor of things to come unless you can find a way to get your schedule better organised. Do you have too many projects on the go at once? If so, finding the right work/life balance is crucial to happiness.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Tuesday 11th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Need something that breaks up your usual routine and sparks excitement? A revelation may offer a tantalising glimpse of something better. It could be a new path, idea or opportunity that’s like a breath of fresh air. While your practical side might hesitate, this is a chance to step out of your usual activities and explore new possibilities. Your intuition will guide you towards what is best.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Thursday 13th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Moon shines in your sign and angles towards expansive Jupiter, but your desire to be perfect might not be helping you. A job interview or career opportunity may loom large, and you’ll be keen to get it right. You’re great at preparation, but don’t let it overshadow your performance. Jupiter encourages you to loosen up, trust your skills and knowledge and go for it regardless.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 10th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A potent lunar phase means powerful dreams and visions could offer a glimpse of what’s to come. Pay attention, as these insights might hold the key to game-changing opportunities. A key influence also shines a spotlight on your relationships. It’s the perfect time to engage in heartfelt conversations, catch up with loved ones and share your thoughts and any concerns, Virgo.

February Monthlies Horoscope

February Monthlies

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Saturn has asked you some searching relationship questions in the last two years, but then equally, you may have worked with him to clearly set your boundaries. However, as February begins, a gentler more beguiling energy can see someone have quite an impact, and that could be you. Don’t underestimate just how fascinating you can be to someone you encounter. There will be practical strands too, and if you want to push ahead professionally, early on that window of opportunity is there for you too. But even if the Full Moon of the 12th brings some tender issues to the surface, later in the month there’s an excellent chance to get the flow of communication working well.