Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Today’s Horoscope

Wednesday 19th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With the Moon opposing restless Uranus, a trivial matter could spark an unexpected argument. While your detail-loving nature might compel you to prove your point, consider if it’s truly worth the energy. There’ll be plenty of emotional intensity but try to step back and get a fresh outlook. Letting it go may be the best way to keep the peace and your sanity.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Tuesday 18th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With relationships a stronger focus, the emphasis is on teamwork and networking for mutual benefit. You’ll gain by including others in your plans rather than going solo. And yet there are times when you’ll need to share your individual perspective to maintain the balance in a relationship. You’ll be more aware of others’ feelings, which can promote understanding.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Thursday 20th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Today’s lunation in your home zone gives you a chance to bring a domestic plan or project to a successful conclusion. You may need to liaise with others first to make sure there are no dissenting voices. This is also an excellent chance to look at habits that are making it hard to be productive. You know what they are, and with determination you can put a stop to them.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 17th February

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The coming week reveals fresh potential within a key relationship, and can find you keen to collaborate and connect. There’s also the chance of an encounter that could influence you deeply. With ethereal vibes heightening your sensitivity to others, you may feel an instant kinship with this person, even if you’ve only just met. They might seem like a very dear or long lost friend.

February Monthlies Horoscope

February Monthlies

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Saturn has asked you some searching relationship questions in the last two years, but then equally, you may have worked with him to clearly set your boundaries. However, as February begins, a gentler more beguiling energy can see someone have quite an impact, and that could be you. Don’t underestimate just how fascinating you can be to someone you encounter. There will be practical strands too, and if you want to push ahead professionally, early on that window of opportunity is there for you too. But even if the Full Moon of the 12th brings some tender issues to the surface, later in the month there’s an excellent chance to get the flow of communication working well.