Today’s Horoscope
Wednesday 19th February
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Go easy, as the urge to splurge is real today. That lush item you’ve been eyeing up? It may seem to call your name louder than ever, and waiting may feel impossible. While treating yourself is delightful, make sure the impulse isn’t just a need for instant gratification. Will it bring joy or just a quick thrill? If the answer is yes, indulge guilt-free. If not, hold off and relish the anticipation.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Tuesday 18th February
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You’re now entering a practical phase when you’ll feel better for bringing more order into your life. This might mean altering your schedule or jettisoning those activities that aren’t fulfilling or productive. Have important plans on the go? Keep a to-do list handy, as it can be easy to lose focus just as you’re about to make positive gains. Developing positive habits also help.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Thursday 20th February
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Open, thoughtful discussions can heal relationships, fostering greater co-operation and harmony both at work and in everyday life. By taking a moment to truly understand another’s perspective, you will avoid unnecessary conflicts and build stronger connections. At the same time, embracing creativity and immersing yourself in beauty may uplift your spirits and spark inspiration.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 17th February
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The radiant Sun in your sector of routine shines a light on your activities, and can act as a catalyst encouraging you to make key changes. This is a golden opportunity to let go of habits that no longer work for you and to initiate those that might help you accomplish your goals. Eager to enhance well-being? Holistic trends and spiritual practices could ease stress and help you relax.
February Monthlies Horoscope
February Monthlies
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your ruler glides into your opposite sign on the 4th just as Jupiter, the luck maker, does an about turn and angles brilliantly to Mercury. All this could lead to some interesting encounters, perhaps even flirty connections and more. But as the month goes on, your professional ambitions can clarify and your determination to seize your goals amp up. The pace of life may increase too, but to really capitalise, you’ll need to ensure all the details are precisely defined and delivered upon. A meeting as February draws to a close, could prove to be fortuitous, but it will be important not to over promise. Let your diligence and natural charm sign out on their own terms, Libra.