Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Today’s Horoscope

Wednesday 19th February

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A clash of opinions might stir the pot today. While it could feel frustrating in the moment, this lively exchange holds the potential to spark a deeper connection. The Scorpio Moon’s depth and Uranus’s flair for surprises, suggests that beneath the disagreement lies mutual respect and understanding. Welcome this discussion, and you may discover a kindred spirit in the process.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Tuesday 18th February

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You’ll be in a resourceful mood, as the Sun glides into your communication zone. But this lively focus suggests you might also have many fingers in many pies. This can be the ideal time to reach out to others and make valuable new connections. You might feel a tad restless though, and this could be down to a desire to make the most of your unique abilities in a way that satisfies you.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Thursday 20th February

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It may seem that you know what someone is thinking, but could you be wrong? Nebulous influences ongoing in your sector of communication, suggest that you may be reading things into their tone or gesture that aren’t there. It might be just as well to ask them outright as this should clear up any confusion. It will allow anything important to be discussed openly.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 17th February

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Exciting opportunities present themselves this week, so keep an open mind as an encounter could bring positive news and information. If you decide to run with it, it might revolutionise your life and connect you with new interests and friends. Mercury’s influence means this is also a time when discussions may lay the groundwork for an imaginative project or creative collaboration.

February Monthlies Horoscope

February Monthlies

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your ruler Saturn has been pushing you to think carefully about your ideals and how you expressed them in the last couple of years. But as this has gone on, so you have become more aware of what you do want to stand firm on. With feisty Mars’ help, you may have gained more confidence, but equally learned that not everybody sees you, as you do. You can use your clarity and assertion to good affect when discussing financial strands on the back of the lunation of the 12th, but just know even if there are some tender or tentative discussions as the celestial curtain comes down on the month, some really positive discussions can lift you significantly, and perhaps too see a new mode of transport arrive home!