Two of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Repressed emotions, denial, pretended indifference, conflict resolution, peace.

Two of Swords Tarot Card Description

Swords are cards which interest themselves in our mental reactions and logical behaviour.  In numerology, the number two is associated with negotiation. Thus the Two of Swords considers how we use our reason to negotiate our interactions with other people for better or worse.

Upright Meaning

When we have been hurt, we often learn to take avoiding action. The Two of Swords suggests you have made an art of being defensive, probably for the best of reasons. Nevertheless, this is no longer serving you well, and you need to let down you barriers a little.  This card suggests that you or someone around you tends to hide or even deny that they have any emotions. Everyone has feelings, so what is there to be gained by pretending they are not there? It is also possible that you have been repressing your feelings. Think about it, do you tend to stifle a shout because you don’t want to cause a scene, or perhaps you tether your tears to stop upsetting others? If you do this or something like it, you need to stop now, this is not good for you, nor does it help others know where they stand. As you will have begun to realise now, The Two of Swords is a card that asks for forthrightness and honesty. You need to be frank with yourself – are you being totally candid about a situation? If you think you may have been fooling yourself, ask yourself why. Could it be that this is the only way you can cope with an unbearable situation? Perhaps the time has come to face the truth and make a change. You could also find yourself working as a peacemaker between two opposing factions, or weighing up two alternatives to make a decision. Alternatively, your heart and mind may pull you in different directions – again you need to be scrupulously candid with yourself.

Reversed Meaning

Sometimes you just can’t patch up differences; this is a case in point. You may have managed to keep two mutually antagonistic sides from squabbling, but this is unlikely to continue. A sticking plaster can no longer cover a serious break, and a conflict is likely to ensue. Alternatively, someone close to you could be putting up barriers which will leave you confused as to their intentions and feelings. Equally, it may be you who is alienating others, and those who are dearest to you are left to stand scratching their heads as you do a great impression of an iceberg! Of course, it may not only be other folks that are unsure of your feelings, it could be that you are struggling to understand your own dreams and desires.


You’ve been cut off emotionally from yourself and ignoring how you really feel, this has also impacted on someone else. You really need to get the communication flowing again, so open up your heart and let the truth flow in.


Are you avoiding your true feelings? Or have you been ignoring the truth? Perhaps you’ve been blocking out others. Whilst some emotional control is advisable, repression is not, so take responsibility for your feelings and express them calmly.


Have you put a barrier around your heart? Yes, it will stop you being hurt, but it will also stop you enjoying life. In future, avoid denying your emotions and blocking out others or you will miss out on so, so much.

Two of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Repressed emotions, pretended indifference, conflict resolution, peace.

Two of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

You seem to be in a state of stalemate or you may have chosen to ignore anything that doesn’t suit you. If you and your partner won’t communicate you’ll never resolve your conflicts. You can’t expect outside help for your relationship problems; you must consider your own behaviour and attitudes. You may need to make an important decision but have decided that making it like an ostrich and burying your head in the sand is the least painful approach. This may work for now but it is not a long term option.

Reversed Meaning

For once here is a Sword card which doesn’t feel the urge to stick the knife in. If you are able to develop a relaxed attitude you will find your romance is rocking. If there are any problems between you and your partner you will soon hit upon a workable solution.

Those seeking someone special will find the best way to woo romance is to ignore it. As the song ‘Taint What You Do (It’s the Way That You Do It) says; ‘If you try hard don’t mean a thing. Take it easy, then your jive will swing’. Whilst the Two of Swords reversed calls for a relaxed attitude this is not an invitation to slip into amour related anarchy, so don’t let a wandering eye lead you astray. If you are starting out on the romantic path with a new squeeze be a bit cautious – they may not be all that they seem.


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