The Suite of Swords

Swords are everyone’s least favourite suite of cards. They tend to be a grim bunch with the Nine being particularly unpleasant. Yet, the element Swords represent is not in any way negative, for they represent air – without which life is impossible. Furthermore, air is associated with the mind; the very word ‘inspiration’ has its origin in the notion of breathing in. The positive aspects of Swords draw on this and are connected to ideas such as intellect, communication, power and rationality. The negative side is reflected in notions of conflict, anger, pain and aggression. Most of all, the suite of Swords is concerned with the truth. This can be positive as no one likes to be deceived, but it also has a harsh aspect as Swords cut to the truth regardless of the cost, which can be very hurtful for those concerned


Swords are associated with the Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These characters are intellectual, logical, courageous and ambitious, although such folk can also seem cold and domineering. Swords can also suggest people with medium to fair coloured hair.

Swords in a Reading

If there are a large number of Swords in a reading, it suggests that the subject is about to enter a difficult time in their lives, which could see arguments, break-ups and losses. Still, many of these concerns may in fact, be imaginary or exaggerated and things may not seem as bleak as they first appear. When Swords appear en masse in a reading, it can also mean that the subject is desperate to get to the truth regarding a matter. A selection of Swords can also suggest that a person has reached their nadir and their situation is about to improve.

List of Swords Tarot cards

Below is the list of Swords Tarot cards. Please click on the image of the card you're interested in to read about the meanings of that card.

Ace of Swords

Focus, mental clarity, willpower, logic, intellect, lack of empathy, objectivity.

Two of Swords

Repressed emotions, denial, pretended indifference, conflict resolution, peace.

Three of Swords

Hurt, painful truth, separation, new beginnings, rejection, alienation, feeling let down.

Four of Swords

Respite, withdrawal, healing, relaxing, taking stock, slowing down, truce, contemplation.

Five of Swords

Defeat, knowing your limitations, pyrrhic victory, hostility, conflict, humiliation.

Six of Swords

Hope, travel, recovery, leaving the past behind, new ideas, overcoming difficulties.

Seven of Swords

Dishonesty, cunning, manipulation, cheating, refusal to face the truth, opposition.

Eight of Swords

Frustration, restriction, feeling trapped, vulnerability, self-sabotage, playing the victim.

Nine of Swords

Pain, anguish, self-depreciation, mishaps, misfortune, guilt, worry, regrets.

Ten of Swords

Desolation, misery, failure, ruin, hope, a brighter future, recovery, resolution.

Page of Swords

Young at heart, honest, intellect, new ideas, vigilance, logic, reason, challenges.

Knight of Swords

Confident, frank, impulsive, tactless, impatient, intellect, analysis, insensitive.

Queen of Swords

Direct, realistic, straightforward, open, honest, unemotional, independent, misanthropic.

King of Swords

Bully, authoritarian, just, assertive, intelligent, cold, highly principled, honourable.

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