Seven of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Dishonesty, cunning, manipulation, cheating, refusal to face the truth, opposition.

Seven of Swords Tarot Card Description

The idea that there is something mystical about the number is widespread. Seeing seven magpies means a secret is about to be revealed, the seventh child of a seventh child is said to possess psychic abilities and so forth. The Seven of Swords also promises a revelation, though it may not be a particularly pleasant one.

Upright Meaning

If you have done or said something you regret, you may soon find that everyone else has discovered your little secret. Even if at the time you thought your action was for the best, it is quite likely that the truth is about to come to light which could prove at best uncomfortable, and at worse decidedly difficult. You could also feel the urge to make yourself scarce. Is this really an urge to take time out to recharge your batteries, or are you trying to avoid your responsibilities or avoid facing the music over something you have done? In relationships, commitment could become something of a sticking point; it could be your squeeze that squirms at the thought of committing themselves, but it’s more likely to be you who succumbs to an attack of the vapours. You also need to be aware that someone could have a few secrets that you need to discover. This could be an errant lover or a third party with designs on your beau. The Seven of Swords also warns that there is something underhand going on around you. Sometimes this is as concrete as theft, so be sure to lock up your bike and keep your valuables safe. On the other hand, you might need to remember the old line that just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. If you run a business, make sure that any contracts are watertight and that any orders you receive can be paid for. Equally, if you work with other people, keep an eye out for skulduggery and backstabbing, someone may seem pleasant enough to your face but they could have an agenda that requires your removal from the scene.

Reversed Meaning

The truth can hurt, but not facing the facts, however distasteful they may be, can be worse in the long run. You need to be totally honest with yourself about your situation. If you are in a dispute of some kind, you need to be bold and decisive. At the moment, you may have the upper hand, but a faint heart never won anything. Any plans or ambitions you have should be subject to constant vigilance. Even if you appear to be gaining ground, you must not relax your grasp on the reins just yet.


Did you cover your tracks well? Whatever it is you have done may well have been for the best of reasons, but all that effort might be wasted if others realise you have secretly been at the helm all the time.


Watch out there’s a thief about! Although they might not steal goods they may snatch credit for your hard work. Or is a sneaky someone being two faced? Perhaps it’s you lurking in the shadows hiding from obligations and the truth.


Assess all your actions before jumping in with both feet and too much gusto. You will need to be really sure you’re doing the right thing. Use lashings of logic to locate the truth. Avoid physical isolation, it’ll make you lonelier still.

Seven of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Dishonesty, cunning, manipulation, cheating, refusal to face the truth, opposition.

Seven of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

There seems to be a tricky devious person hanging around you. If you’ve just met someone you’d be wise to be cautious as they may be spinning you a yarn. If you and your partner are established then make sure you are not being conned. Occasionally, it can be one of the partners in a relationship who has been deceitful or even less than faithful. If you have serious concerns that they are being duplicitous you need to discuss it with them.

If you are having difficulty committing to a relationship you might need to look in the mirror and ask if this is because you are unwilling to trust others – perhaps a previous rotten relationship has made you too wary.

Lovers may spend more time on rows than romance when the Seven of Swords appears in a reading, both sides need to concentrate on compromise rather than point scoring.

Reversed Meaning

Single souls need to consider whether they have been sub-consciously damaging their chances of a date due to fear of being hurt.

If your relationship is riddled with rows and difficulties you need to decide if there is anything left to salvage. If you do decide to try again be aware than whatever you do the situation may be irretrievable. Still convinced it’s worth a go? Then you will need to be very patient, stay calm and meet challenges directly – but you’re in for a rough journey. On the other hand you may receive an unexpected apology from your partner; this is a good sign and you should be able to work together for a satisfactory result.


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