Nine of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Pain, anguish, self-depreciation, mishaps, misfortune, guilt, worry, regrets.

Nine of Swords Tarot Card Description

Few people relish finding the Nine of Swords in their reading. In numerology, nine suggests success, but only after a long hard struggle. Swords are hardly a bundle of laughs either, but they remind us if we use our intellect and rationalise our feelings, we can still reach our objectives.

Upright Meaning

No-one really enjoys the arrival of the Nine of Swords, but its gloomy reputation is a bit overblown. It suggests that you are at your lowest ebb, but when you reach rock bottom, the only way is up – after the darkest, bleakest night there is always the dawn. You may be spending your sleepless nights crying in your pillow, but you can overcome this. You need to use logic to get your fears into perspective and find a way forward. Don’t let your imagination run riot by dreaming up ridiculous worst case scenarios that are unlikely to occur. It could be that you feel miserable for no obvious reason. You need to get to the bottom of this, hopefully you can work your own way through your maze of emotions, but if not there is always help out there, so don’t be afraid to seek advice, either from a good friend or a professional. The Nine of Swords can suggest that you regret something you have done or said; if you can put it right, do so, but if not, promise yourself you won’t behave in that way again and move on. You may also find your relationship is suffering because you are too wrapped up in your sorrow to interact with your other half. Explain the situation to them, whilst trying to fix whatever it is that is causing you to feel so low. If it’s your relationship that is the cause of your angst, you need to talk things through, or at worst consider calling it a day. The Nine of Swords asks you to refocus your goals and take appropriate action where required. After doing so, you should feel a whole lot better.

Reversed Meaning

You have probably never felt so low and seem trapped in a circle of despair and despondency. In fact, there is a way out, but you will probably need the help of some else to set you free.  Pick up the phone, get on line, or visit a friend, they will be happy to lend a hand. If you really feel you can’t chat to a chum, or for some reason you are isolated, then get in touch with a professional. Whichever way you choose, you have made the first step to getting your life back on track – well done!


You’ve been so overwhelmed with problems – yours, or those of someone dear to you, that you have had trouble sleeping and felt overloaded with fears. The problems may be genuine, but acknowledge your weaknesses and work through them.


You’re so dreadfully worried – but why? Is it an unspecific worry or a general unhappiness that you just cannot explain? Get to the bottom of what is causing you such misery. It’s likely that a little effort will improve the situation.


However bleak things look, try not to panic. It’s always dark before the dawn. If you can work out the cause of your unhappiness you’re more than halfway towards easing it. Refocus on your ambitions and work towards achieving them.

Nine of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Emotional pain, anguish, self-depreciation, unhappy affairs, guilt, worry, regrets.

Nine of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

If your nights are sleepless and your dreams nightmares try to relax, the issue that has been causing you concern is not as grim as you imagine. You may feel there is nothing you can do to improve your fate, but there is. However, you need to be pro-active, if you stick your head in the sand all you’ll get is sand in your eyes. This goes for your emotions too, acknowledge what you are feeling and work through them.

If you are grieving for a past love you may need some help in overcoming your fears. Consider your concerns, are they rational?

Reversed Meaning

The Nine of Swords reversed is a call to be honest and seek the truth. It means that this is the time to be brave and face up to reality. This could mean you need to tell your partner what is really in your heart. You also need to look inside your soul and see what experiences are moulding your behaviour. You may have been deceiving yourself about your relationship – it could actually be much better than you realise.

Single folk need to be honest with potential partners (no sticking out-of-date photos on dating websites please). If your love interest isn’t interested in the real you then you are not meant to be together – there is no point in leading them up the garden path.


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