Five of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Defeat, knowing your limitations, pyrrhic victory, hostility, conflict, humiliation.

Five of Swords Tarot Card Description

The number five is an outward looking number, which can see you looking at the world in a new way, maybe through someone else’s eyes; it can also heighten your creativity. This is somewhat at odds with the intellectual but unempathetic suite of swords, thus this card can suggest the likelihood of some difficulties which need to be overcome.

Upright Meaning

In some ways the worst is over, you may have lost the battle, but at least that situation has ended. All you can do now is retreat to a corner and gather your resources. No-one can win all the time, much as we’d like to, and at least you tried. Furthermore, you’re still here and you can succeed in another field or with another person. You have learnt your limitations and that painful lesson means you will not make the same mistakes again. The knack of dealing with the problems associated with the Five of Swords, is not to dwell on the misfortune you have experienced. You may feel weak, vulnerable and maybe even a bit daft now, but don’t become trapped in a downward spiral. If you can accept defeat gracefully you will, in time, come bouncing back and move on to better things. Some folks even claim that this cards’ negative reputation is over-emphasised as, when you think about it, this card marks you out as a survivor. You might even be shrugging your shoulders and thinking to yourself that, actually you have not lost at all, and that despite a difficult time, you have managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat – if so, it was probably a close run thing, but you got there in the end. Assuming you haven’t been in the kind of situation mentioned above, then this card is warning you to consider how you are treating those around you. Are you being too self-interested, eager to put someone else in their place or determined to win at any cost? If so, why do you feel this way? Try to avoid being too competitive. You also need to understand and respect the boundaries of acquaintances, friends, family and work colleagues.

Reversed Meaning

Someone out there is playing power games, and as long as they think they stand a chance of winning, they are not too bothered who they hurt in the process. Unfortunately, you seem to be in their sights, so be very cautious. Unless of course it’s you who is developing a Machiavellian streak! If so – stop, you will pay a high price for your intrigue, and even if you triumph now, your victory will be short lived.


There has been some conflict or hostility around you. A sly someone has been playing power games, whoever this person is they’re capable of skulduggery and the notions of honour and trust do not register on their radar.


You’re feeling deflated and defeated, this may be true, but no-one wins all of the time. You have faced your adversary honourably and there is no shame. Or, perhaps you’re being a bit selfish. Try to be as objective as possible.


Future hostilities seem unavoidable, like it or not you will have to engage with the enemy. Compromise is not going to be an option. This is a win or lose scenario, but whichever unfolds, boundaries will have been established.

Five of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

End of a relationship, pointless arguing, hostility, feeling undervalued conflict, humiliation.

Five of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Lights! Camera! Action! The Five of Swords is a lively card, it can presage sudden change or restless energy. This is the kind of itchy demanding energy that can cause squabbles if it is not used in a positive way. You may find you and your loved one are a bit irritable with each other and unless you are vigilant arguments can abound. Be careful you do not try to win any disputes whatever the cost, sometimes it doesn’t matter if you are ‘right’ so much as that you are willing to compromise. If your relationship is a little lacklustre make sure you are not using arguments to inject some passion, this might work in the short-term but over time it could do serious damage.

Reversed Meaning

No-one can say you haven’t tried but sometimes you have to cut your losses. Perhaps the person you’ve been passionate about is just not what you had hoped. If the object of your desires is only really happy when they are putting you down, it is time to let go and discover someone who really values you. It may be that you constantly find yourself making the same mistakes time and time again; it might be wise to consider why you are drawn to such rotten relationships.

Of course, it may be that your relationship is generally great but for some reason things have been a bit tough recently, if this is the case you’ll be glad to know this irksome interlude is drawing to a close and the pair of you will soon be best buddies again.