Six of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Hope, travel, recovery, leaving the past behind, new ideas, overcoming difficulties.

Six of Swords Tarot Card Description

No-one could pretend that the suite of swords aren’t a grumpy old bunch most of the time, and few folks relish their appearance in a spread. The Six of Swords is a bit different though. The number six brings with it a spirit of independence and communication, which sits comfortably with this unemotional suite of cards.

Upright Meaning

It’s likely that past events have puckered your brow and caused you a few sleepless nights into the bargain. By now you’ve worked your way through the trials and tribulations that seem to have dogged you, and have reconciled yourself to past events. The Six of Swords suggests that you’re able to move on, both from your actual problems and from the mental stress they have caused you. The good news is that you seem to be moving towards a more positive time when life can seem good again. You may not be jumping for joy or confident about what is before you, but you can see a way forward and you have the strength to give it a go. This positive attitude will bring you to a much pleasanter place. In relationship matters, you need to get talking, you and your partner may have to make compromises, but as long as you remain honest with each other everything can work out well. The Six of Swords is a card which celebrates communication, so if you need to ask for help or get to the truth of a matter, now is the ideal opportunity to start talking. This is also a good time to be creative, especially if you have someone to bounce ideas off. Any artistic or craft related activities which are done as part of a group or with a partner, can produce some fine results. In business, this is the moment to bounce some unusual or even off-the-wall ideas around with colleagues or business partners – you could all be amazed at what develops.

Reversed Meaning

You aren’t an ostrich, so all you will gain from burying your head in the sand is gritty eyes. If you have a problem, you need to attack it head on, coming up with half-hearted ‘solutions’ is not going to get you anywhere. Temporary fixes work, but only temporarily, then they’ll make things much worse. If you have the sense to face the issue head on and get it sorted, you’ll be able to move on and find life becomes easier. Be careful if you feel like seeking retribution over a wrong which you believe you have suffered. If you do go down this path, use a recognised form of arbitration, taking matters into your own hands will be counterproductive and can land you in some boiling water.


You’ve felt small and overwhelmed by the storm waves of life. But although you have felt shipwrecked and lost in a hostile sea, the tide has begun to change, and it is pushing you towards a safe harbour.


The sea of life has been rough and you’ve suffered from mal de mer but the storms are over and you’re sailing into calm waters. You still feel bruised from the past, but the Sun is starting to shine on you.


You have negotiated storms and squalls, and now the sea is calming down, soon your journey will be plain sailing. However, you’ll be entering a time when communication becomes important, so listen carefully to the other person or people. Co-operation is the key.

Six of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Moving on, holiday romance, recovery, leaving the past behind, new romance, overcoming difficulties.

Six of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Six of Swords is a profound and serious card; it suggests important matters have come to a head. Oddly enough this can mean your relationship has drawn to a close, or it may suggest that after a very difficult time your relationship has overcome any problems and you can move on. Whichever is the case, the long term prognosis is positive as you will progress to better things. Talking of moving, if you and your amour fancy a change of abode this could be the opportunity to check out what’s on offer.

Singles should soon find their solo days are over. This is particularly the case if you are willing to set sail (or at least travel a bit). A holiday romance could have more staying power than you’d imagine.

Assuming your relationship is generally positive, you and your partner will move progressively closer. If your romantic road is rocky, at least you can enjoy a hiatus period of calm before any more conflict. Rocky or wonderfully romantic, any relationship can benefit from a holiday at this time.

Reversed Meaning

The reversed Six of Swords tells you that you need to play the long game, your hopes are not likely to be fulfilled immediately but they stand a good chance of success in the fullness of time. This is frustrating but there isn’t much you can do for now.

It could be that you know your relationship has turned into a cul-de-sac but for some reason you are reluctant to move on – why? Other couples may be overly clingy and need to allow each other some room before they stifle their relationship.

Singles need to be wary of being in love for love’s sake. Don’t be so desperate to find someone special that you will settle for anyone however unsuitable they may be.

Single or spliced, this is the time to get inventive, if old approaches don’t work try something different.


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