Ace of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Focus, mental clarity, willpower, logic, intellect, lack of empathy, objectivity.

Ace of Swords Tarot Card Description

Swords are often seen as difficult cards because they are associated with rational thought, but this does not necessarily make us happy. Numerologically, the Ace of Swords has the value of one, which celebrates all that is single-minded, independent and innovative. It is also a card of new beginnings.

Upright Meaning

You need to recognise something that has been hidden from you until now; it might be sticking to what you believe to be true, a fight for justice or being frank with yourself. In the same way, the Ace of Swords asks you to be honest with yourself when facing new challenges. This is a time to be logical and calm, be ready to take action and do so quickly, do not prevaricate or indulge in self-doubt. If the past has been rather unkind to you, avoid being discouraged, you can succeed but you must go forward boldly and with confidence. You need to be resolute in your plans and be willing to push forward despite any problems you face. Nevertheless, you must be honest with yourself in relation to your abilities. This is also true of your interactions with other folks, you need to clear the air and be sure that you all want the same things, even if this causes some friction for a time. This is a good opportunity to resolve any difficulties you have with another person, analyse the problem, then get to action to resolve the situation. Yes, the Ace of Swords is a card which brings with it some challenges, but it also suggests you can achieve your goals as long as you are conscientious and hard working. The opportunities this card brings can make your dreams come true – but nothing will be handed to you on a plate.

Reversed Meaning

You are not Mr Spock, so logic can only get you so far; don’t let your head take precedence over your heart or instincts. Talking about feelings, you may be happy to be something of a cold fish, but those around you could be deeply hurt by your attitude. You have a tendency to over-analyse your situation. For the time being, try to follow your gut instincts more. Swords are the intellectual suite par excellence which is fine, and you could be blessed with being a brain box, but are you using your gifts in the right way, or are you using your intellect to manipulate or misguide others? Equally, is a cerebral someone using their brain power to put you on the wrong foot? Don’t be pushed around, if you believe there’s something dodgy about a densely worded document, get an independent professional to advise you.


Have you been letting your head rule your heart, ignoring your intuition and eschewing your emotions? You’ve been over analysing the situation and have totally misunderstood what has been happening, follow your feelings as well as your thoughts for guidance.


It’s time to face up to challenges and act, but be objective about your limitations. You can solve any problems using your analytical powers, logic and firmness. This is a time for openness and objectivity in all your dealings.


You will be facing a challenge fairly soon, but don’t fret. This challenge is also an opportunity and one which if handled well, can improve your life. True, any opportunities coming your way will require effort, but the rewards will be great.

Ace of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Coldness, emotional issues, willpower, head rules heart, lack of empathy.

Ace of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

I hope you are feeling brainy, because intellectual stimulation and communication are a vital part of your romance. The Ace of Swords encourages you to face any issues head on, remember don’t go to bed on an argument. This card reveals hidden truths but this may or may not be a pleasant experience, for instance it may be that you realise your relationship is no longer all you dreamt it would be. This card can encourage you to cut ties that are no longer helpful in your life.

If you have a lover, make sure you let them know how you feel. Try to balance your head and your heart.

Reversed Meaning

You may know there is a problem with your relationship but do you know what it is? You may think you do but you could be wrong. Don’t assume your partner is misguided, they could be approaching the same problem and have simply developed a different solution – you need to talk. When I say ‘talk’ what I mean is ‘communicate’ so both side needs to listen as well. Try to choose your words with care; some sensitivity may be called for. Furthermore, you need to accept you are individuals so both parties need to set boundaries without being bossy or belligerent.


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