Knight of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Confident, frank, impulsive, tactless, impatient, intellect, analysis, insensitive.

Knight of Swords Tarot Card Description

Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings often describe a person who plays a major role in your life. Physically, the Knight of Swords is said to represent an adult who is under 35 years of age, who has a fair complexion and light hair. This card can also suggest someone who is as bright as a new coin, but as subtle as a sledge hammer.

Upright Meaning

Knights often show the energy of the suite they belong to at its most extreme, and the Knight of Swords is a very extreme individual. Keep an eye out for someone who is intellectually as sharp as a shiny new sword, but who is anything but Machiavellian. The kindest thing you can say about this person is that they are refreshingly honest; the worst is that they are blunt and rude. They certainly do not suffer fools gladly, and they can’t see why everyone doesn’t share their point of view. The Knight of Swords encourages you to use your intellect, but warns against rushing headlong into anything, you need to take the time to think things through properly. It is also important that in your drive for action, you don’t disregard the feelings of other folks. A little diplomacy will serve you better than bucket loads of bluster. You should also be aware that your energy and charisma may mean people follow you, even though they secretly feel you are mistaken. As a result of this tendency, you need to ensure people are telling you what you need to hear, not what they think you want to hear. The Knight of Swords can suggest that a relationship is marred when one partner is aloof or distant. Alternatively, they may decide to rush ahead without consulting the other person. Equally, a new beau may be too demanding, tactless or refuse to take no for an answer. If you are a little meek, the Knight of Swords encourages you to seek your stronger side and stride forward with a confident step.

Reversed Meaning

Getting the balance between when to use your head and when to favour your heart is often tricky. At the moment, you could be undervaluing your emotions. When faced with an overbearing individual it is too easy to give in. Remember, a mosquito may appear to be small and insignificant, but it can make a lion move – don’t be browbeaten. If you are a dominant character, be careful that you don’t inadvertently bully folks – a little tact is far more likely to produce results than press-ganging people into doing your will.


Have you been letting your head rule your heart? If so, explore your emotions. Or has some bigoted bore been blocking you from making your voice heard? If so, talk slowly, but firmly so that others can hear your voice above the blusterer’s barking.


Slow down, rushing in where angels fear to tread will not help one bit. Think things through thoroughly. An amour may seem aloof and preoccupied, or a friend may be too demanding, if so, make your point calmly and with confidence.


You may have to challenge your partner’s aloofness, or they may rush ahead without thinking. More generally, you have every right to your opinion, and the time is coming when you’ll want to express it. Don’t be meek. Speak up!

Knight of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Hedonism, passion, exciting liaisons, lust, tactlessness, impatient, insensitive.

Knight of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Anyone represented by the Knight of Swords is going to struggle to hold down a relationship – they are curious about everything and hate being tied down. They will need a great deal of intellectual input to stave off boredom and whilst they can be attentive at first, they can soon lose interest.

In a relationship the Knight of Swords asks you to analyse any problems rather than jumping off the high board into the depths of your emotions. In this case your head should rule your heart. Singles need to realise looks and lucre are all very well but if there is no mental magic you may as well not bother. Sometimes beauty is only skin deep.

In a relationship you may find your other half is happier righting wrongs left right and centre rather than spending time with you. The only way you will ever reach them is to engage their intellect, emotionally they are almost inaccessible and they may almost fear being too close to someone.

Reversed Meaning

The reversed Knight of swords represents someone who likes to hold the moral high ground but has little sympathy for mere mortals. They know what is ‘right’ and they stick with that view whatever the costs. They see debate as a sport, which is fine but they don’t actually debate at all; they browbeat people.

Sometimes this card suggests a dramatic and permanent breach in a relationship, such a split will leave one partner reeling and wondering what on earth went wrong. Obviously the reversed Knight of Swords does not always mean your romance is on the rocks but it can suggest that you are likely to have some disagreements. Let off steam with some sport or a long walk instead of releasing your workplace tensions by engaging in petty squabbles with your lover. If things are fraught remember to talk patiently to each other and be willing to compromise.


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