King of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Bully, authoritarian, just, assertive, intelligent, cold, highly principled, honourable.

King of Swords Tarot Card Description

Like the rest of the court cards (pages, knights and queens), the King of Swords tells us about a person, either you, or someone who will enter your life. Physically, the King of Swords is said to be a fair man aged 35 or older. Psychologically, he is said to represent someone who is clever and highly principled.

Upright Meaning

Your view of the King of Swords will depend on what you want to gain from him. If you want straight forward honest advice with no frills, he is you man. If you want someone to wipe away your tears and offer emotional support, you are on a hiding to nothing. It’s not that the King of Swords is callous, he just doesn’t ‘do’ emotions. An individual operating under this vibe, can’t see why you would waste your time with feelings when a little common sense will sort out your problem. As a consequence, the King of Swords can be a reminder that you need to be less concerned with what you are feeling and spend more time thinking things through. This card can represent a person who is objective and usually fair, but in the right (or rather, the wrong) circumstances, they can become dogmatic with impossibly high standards. In work and business matters, this card suggests that your communication skills are well honed at the moment. The King of Swords is also a card of high moral principles, so any ethical related enterprise is likely to do well. Obviously by extension, this can apply to charity work or acts relating to pressure groups. The King of Swords asks you to celebrate your intellectual side and not to shy away from using it to impress others, so this card is particularly fortunate for students, quiz fans and those working in the legal arena. Sadly, this card is less benign in matters related to the heart, and it can mean that either you or your partner is cold and withdrawn, or it could be that one of you is intellectually intimidated by the other.

Reversed Meaning

You may have spent ages thinking matters through, but this does not mean everyone has to agree with your point of view – avoid being intolerant and doctrinaire. Someone around you may be very bright, but that does not give them the right to make you feel small. No-one is infallible, not even them, and they may need to be reminded of that fact. Keep an eye out for a bully, they will try to get their way with deceit and cunning, when that fails, they could try being aggressive. This could be one time when confrontation is your only option, because appeasement will only make things worse.


A dogmatic and domineering individual has been stopping you developing your own point of view and they have been using their disapproval to control you. Or perhaps you haven’t been as tolerant of others’ ways as you should have been?


You’re in a strong position to resolve any problems that you may have. You may even find yourself debating for the fun of it. Your head is as important as your heart at the moment. Help may come from a mature intellectual.


Your mind is moving up a gear. You’ll be solving any problems swiftly using your knowledge and intellect. Keep an eye out for a mature intellectual who is assertive and articulate.

King of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Traditional, authoritarian, assertive, cold, highly principled, honourable.

King of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Intelligent, ambitious, wise and rational, the person represented by this card has a lot going for them. They eschew displaying their emotions preferring rational discussion; at worst this individual can use their intellectual gift to bend others to their will. This person is devoid of romance but they can still be a perfect partner as they base their relationships on respect and ambition. On the plus side they are straightforward and are exactly as they appear. If you are single and interested in this person, you may struggle to work out if they fancy you or are just interested in having someone to debate with. The solution is simple ask them – you will get a straight unflustered answer (though not a romantic one). If there is no such person in your life then the King of Swords could refer to you, in which case the cards recommend that you try to let your emotional side out for an airing on occasion, your partner might appreciate this too.

Reversed Meaning

The reversed King of Swords represents a stubborn, opinionated, bombastic person who is prone to bullying others to get their way. If this person is the object of your affections; forget it, they are incapable of loving anyone but themselves.

In relationships the reversed King of Swords points to serious arguments and controlling behaviour. You can try using reason to calm things down, but be very careful you do not turn into a doormat. If your words fall on cloth ears you may have to walk away. Occasionally, this card can refer to an abusive relationship, don’t waste your time or put yourself at risk by trying to discuss the situation; it won’t work. Get away and stay away.


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