Queen of Swords Tarot Card Keywords

Direct, realistic, straightforward, open, honest, unemotional, independent, misanthropic.

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Description

Like the page, knight and king, the Queen of Swords tells us about a person. Traditionally, The Queen of Swords is said to represent a fair woman over 35, she is often said to represent a widow or divorcee. Today, many tarot readers prefer a psychological approach and say she represents a shrewd and fast thinking individual.

Upright Meaning

Like the rest of the sword court cards, The Queen of Swords suggests someone who is direct and intelligent. Such a person is likely to succeed at anything they put their mind to. It could be you that is particularly astute at the moment or someone around you. Either way, this ability to cut to the crux of the matter is a bonus that can work in your favour. If you think the Queen of Swords represents someone you know, you can rest assured they are trustworthy and straightforward. This person is unpretentious, upfront and honest. To be frank, and the Queen of Swords is always that, they could be a little too direct, and there may be times when you wish they would be a little more diplomatic. The person represented by the Queen of Swords may be intellectual, but when it comes to emotional matters, they probably dither about like the proverbial duck in a thunder storm. Obviously they have feelings, but they are buried so deeply they never see the light of day, and any emotional issues will see them diving for cover. If you are the cerebral type, take the time to check that you are not hiding behind your intellect to avoid confronting any difficult emotions you have. If you are of a more demonstrative and passionate nature, the appearance of this card could suggest that you need to temper this side of your character with a bit more logic and scepticism.

Reversed Meaning

You may be running a successful business or studying particle physics, but is all this clever activity masking your emotional needs? Alternatively, are you expecting too much of other people? You may manage to meet your exacting standards, but it is doubtful that anyone else can. Business and career plans could bump into something of a brick wall as you find yourself confronted by a powerful adversary. You may not be aware of what you could have done to earn their spite, but they will need very careful handling. Generally, a domineering woman can cause you grief, she is vindictive and loves to criticise those around her. One of the clues that can help you to recognise her will be her misanthropic attitude. If you are able to delve a little deeper, you could discover that this is due to a problem in her personal life.


Have you been fair in your assessment of a person or situation, or have you set your standards far too high? Or perhaps you have been hiding your emotional needs and desires under a polished veneer of wit and wisdom.


You’re feeling the need to be direct and to the point, and whatever your goals are it will be by using your intellect and honesty that will enable you to achieve them. Education is highlighted as a likely area for success.


With wit, wisdom and a quicksilver mind the person who will be entering your circle appears to have life sussed out. They may inspire you, but although they seem confident are they secretly very vulnerable? Try to remain objective at all times.

Queen of Swords Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Honest, straightforward, open, unemotional, independent, enjoying your own company, single people, misanthropic.

Queen of Swords Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Queen of Swords represents an intellectual gifted person who tends to be a loner (often they are widowed or divorced). They might have the brains of a rocket scientist but they have the emotional insight of a not very bright slug. Their strong character enables them to get results but that steely resolve and impressive intelligence can intimidate lesser mortals. If you are courting such a person it may take a while to win their heart as they may have been on their own for a while and become a bit set in their ways. Be frank in your intentions but don’t hurry them, they will come round in their own time.

This card often signifies the need to demonstrate some will power and grit to achieve your goals. Occasionally she may suggest that a relationship is drawing to a close. In relationships she demands clear communication and boundaries between couples.

Reversed Meaning

There are nastier characters than the one represented by the reversed Queen of Swords, but they are thankfully few and far between. This person is spiteful, manipulative and enjoys ruining other folk’s lives: don’t let them near your relationship they’d love to destroy it.

Matched or single it’s great to be independent and a free spirit but for a relationship to work you have to be willing to give a little of yourself. You need to find a balance between keeping a rational head on your shoulders and expressing your emotions.


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