Ten of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Burden, heavy load, over eager to please, blaming yourself, oppression.

Ten of Wands Tarot Card Description

In numerology, we work with the digits 1-9. So what happens when we reach ten? We add the 1 and the 0 together giving the value of 1. One is the number of action, which fits with the busy vibe of the suite of wands very well. Actually, a little too well, and it means that you may be jumping from one activity to another like a hyper-active flea.

Upright Meaning

You may feel over-burdened and exhausted. It is quite likely that you are simply trying to do too much. In a work scenario, the Ten of Wands often means that you have taken on too many tasks and need to delegate some of them. You would also benefit from making sure you take time for R&R. If you do, you will find you are actually more productive and make better decisions in the long run. If you are a homemaker, you should consider if those around you are pulling their weight. Are you striving to be a domestic deity but turning into a domestic slave in the process? In family matters, remember you are an individual with your own needs. Your squeeze won’t forget you if you grab some me time, and your kids won’t starve if they have beans on toast, instead of a three course meal occasionally. When it comes to relationships, you may be making your life miserable by seeking to placate your significant other by trying to be their perfect partner. Why are you doing this? Everyone has their flaws: if your lover can’t accept yours, they might benefit from a train ticket to a far-away destination where they can continue their hopeless quest for perfection, whilst you get on with enjoying your life in peace. The Ten of Wands encourages you to lighten your load and enjoy life. Furthermore, it also reminds you not to be afraid of asking for help.

Reversed Meaning

You may feel you are about to burst, as demand after demand are placed upon you. You may choose to struggle valiantly on as you have been doing, until something snaps (which it must do sooner or later), or you can ask for help. When the Ten of Wands appears reversed, it is often a sign that you are beginning to enjoy playing the martyr, is this really an attractive trait? If there is a problem, you would do better to seek aide rather than annoy everyone by moaning that no-one will assist you – and then turn down every offer of help that comes your way. If you are lucky enough to be in a position of power, make sure you are not browbeating someone either on purpose or by accident, as if you are, you will regret it later.


You have felt overburdened. This could have been caused by the everyday stuff like overwork, family squabbles or a grumpy boss. Or was it something more fundamental? Have you been so wrapped up with the mundane that you lost your direction?


Enough is enough, it’s time to lighten your load, delegate some of your tasks, cut back on work and have fun. If you’re in a relationship that’s become hard work, ask yourself if you really want it to continue.


You have something of a struggle ahead. But you can help yourself a lot by letting others lend a hand, and not blaming yourself for the situation. Stop having guilt trips. They’re useless, go out and enjoy life instead.

Ten of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Demanding partners, over eager to please, blaming yourself, clinginess, oppression.

Ten of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Do you feel that you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? If so, it’s time to step back and consider your own needs for a while. Don’t be afraid to ask your loved one to help shoulder your burden. Could it be you’ve been so wrapped up in your career you’ve let other aspects of your life slip? You may need to decide which is most important to you. Wires can also get crossed at the moment leading to silly spats that cause stress to all parties, if you and your partner can work through this your relationship will be strengthened.

If you are single you may not feel at your scintillating best and you might decide some time alone is in order, there is nothing wrong with this – to a point. After a brief pause a little pampering can send you scampering to the nearest party.

Reversed Meaning

A weight seems to have been lifted off your mind. Whatever was tying you down seems to have been released and you can feel the stress just melt away. What, you’re still bogged down by dull duties? Then don’t add to them by making momentous decisions, let things be for now. Nevertheless, love is a two way process and you need to make sure you and your lover have some shared moments.

OK, who’s the bossy boots? Hopefully neither of you, but if your partner is trying to rule the roost you may need to tactfully remind them this is a partnership not a dictatorship. Unless of course, it’s you who wants everything their way! If you think this is the case cut your sweetheart some slack.