The Suite of Wands

Is it me or is it hot in here? Wands are associated with the element of fire, and like fire they are full of energy. The imagery of the flaming wand itself leaves you in no uncertainty that these are cards symbolising the spark of life itself and new growth. This is a suite which drips with creativity, passion, enterprise, initiative and joie de vivre. Wands are symbols of new projects and new ideas, although just how many of these will come to completion is another matter. As a result of this association, they are often linked to matters relating to business and work situations. They are also believed to represent the summer and weeks. Wands have a negative side too, and they can be connected to impatience, bossiness, being egotistical, recklessness and fecklessness.


Wands are associated with the Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These characters are flamboyant, energetic, charismatic and born leaders, although they may be a bit insensitive sometimes. Wands can also suggest people with red or blonde hair

Wands in a Reading

If there are a large number of Wands in a Tarot Reading, it can suggest that the subject is about to start a new project and be very busy. Indeed, it is also possible that they are biting off more than they can chew, and that they need to slow down a little. If the cards are mainly positive, it would suggest that they are likely to succeed with their plans. A plethora of Wands are particularly fortunate for folks who are starting a new business, and even more so in relation to the creative or organisational aspects of such a venture.

List of Wands Tarot cards

Below is the list of Wands Tarot cards. Please click on the image of the card you're interested in to read about the meanings of that card.

Ace of Wands Ace of Wands

Passion, new relationships, romantic inventiveness, desire, excitement, thwarted affection

Two of Wands Two of Wands

Winning their hand, getting a date, overcoming self-doubt, acceptance, making friends.

Three of Wands Three of Wands

New romance, working together, someone special, partnership.

Four of Wands Four of Wands

Moving in together, stable relationships, security, harmony, changes of abode.

Five of Wands Five of Wands

Arguments, aggravation, their annoying habits, working at relationships.

Six of Wands Six of Wands

Perfect match, hot date, deepening relationship, feeling superior.

Seven of Wands Seven of Wands

Testing relationships, arguments, power struggles, postponed dates, sticking to your principles.

Eight of Wands Eight of Wands

Passion, speedy developments in relationships, over eager, rash judgements, holiday romances.

Nine of Wands Nine of Wands

Feeling defensive, overcoming obstacles, potential difficulties, resilience.

Ten of Wands Ten of Wands

Demanding partners, over eager to please, blaming yourself, clinginess, oppression.

Page of Wands Page of Wands

Loyalty, new beginnings, enthusiasm, light hearted fun, charm, admirers, flirtation.

Knight of Wands Knight of Wands

Charming, shallow, daring, passionate, exciting liaisons, lovable rouges.

Queen of Wands Queen of Wands

Feeling drawn to someone, soul mates, domestic bliss, desire, dependability.

King of Wands King of Wands

Being swept off your feet, a daring and exciting lover, dramatic gestures, passion.

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