Five of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Arguments, aggravation, their annoying habits, working at relationships.

Five of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

This is the time for action not sitting around. Singletons need to get out and about, the more you mix the more likely you are to meet Ms or Mr Marvellous. It is possible that you may have a rival for your amour, if so, don't be discouraged. If you assert yourself you should win your heart's desire. However, make sure you are not too forthright or forceful or you could set your nascent squeeze squirming (and not in a good way).

If you have a partner make sure they are not put off by your ardour. Too much boisterous energy could leave your loved one feeling stressed and snappy. Playful arguments may blow up into the real thing, so remember to keep it light. If things are strained you need to ensure you don't let a molehill turn into a mountain, try to communicate with each other calmly.

Reversed Meaning

Single or spliced, all that hard work is about to pay off.

Singles won't be solo for much longer, so make the most of any opportunities to meet people. If you've been umming and ahhing about an intriguing individual your questions will be answered. If you are wondering if someone reciprocates your romantic interest, the answer is likely to be 'yes'. Maybe you have lacked confidence in the past, so don't be afraid to make your voice heard, you have a right to express your needs.

Couples will find arguments and difficulties disappear like morning mist. Nevertheless, you should make sure that you are making enough time for each other.


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