Four of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Moving in together, stable relationships, security, harmony, changes of abode.

Four of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Some mighty changes connected to family issues revolve around this card; marriages, engagements and even births could enter your sphere now. Couples are likely to have built their relationship on firm foundations and could move forward to new landmarks such as moving in together, marrying or starting a family. Couples whose chicks have flown the nest can now enjoy spending some quality time together. Generally, where the Four of Wands appears good news follows.

Reversed Meaning

You really aren't the dead loss you've managed to convince yourself you are. You're not perfect, but who is? It's time to accept you have your foibles and even celebrate them. Be brave and take some risks.

Recently, relationships are likely to move from the heady excitement stage into something more meaningful. This means you will have to put in some effort. If this gives you the heebie-jeebies you'd be better to bail out now. If it's you that wants more from your partner, now is not the time to go making demands. You will be more likely to get your way if you are patient.

Longer term partnerships can expect the odd issue, don't worry, it's just a summer shower that will soon pass.


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