Nine of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Feeling defensive, overcoming obstacles, potential difficulties, resilience.

Nine of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

You remember Madonna's old hit that told you to 'Express Yourself'? That's what you need to be doing now. You may have to put your foot down when someone challenges your moral code, or it could be that your messages are not coming out clearly. Allow for some give and take but remember this is a two way process. Equally, don't let a past disappointment cloud your world view. If you are really worried about being hurt let your loved one know so that they can reassure you.

Single folks may feel they are stuck in a rut and that romance happens to other people but never them – this is about to change. Try and work out why a previous relationship failed and learn from your experience.

Reversed Meaning

The Reversed Nine of Wands can have a number of possible meanings, so check out the cards around it for clues as to which apply.

You may feel someone is trying to browbeat you and it is possible that your lover is not showing their most sensitive side. If you are finding their behaviour irksome a calm and collected chat could be called for.

It may be that your lack of self-esteem will lead you to underestimate how attractive you are and how much you can offer to the lucky person who wins your heart.

There is the possibility that as much as you want to be alone on a desert island with your heart's desire, the mundane aspects of life constantly call upon your time, leaving you drained. As a result your sweetheart may feel neglected. Can you delegate some tasks or rearrange your diary so you can spend some special time together? Alternatively, is one of you commitment averse, or is it that so much is happening that you don't have the chance to make long-term plans?


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