Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Sun Tarot Card Keywords

Education, learning, wisdom, success, achievement, self-confidence, new friendships.

Sun Tarot Card Description

Two childlike figures soak up the rays from a brightly coloured sun. The four colours the sun emits echo the colours ascribed to the four elements, and remind us that the healing energy of the sun is available to everything, and that life would be impossible without the sun’s influence.

Upright Meaning

The Sun is a lovely cheerful card to find staring up at you from the tarot deck. When The Sun appears, it brings with it positive thoughts and the energy and drive to realize them. This is a time when communication is central, but as luck would have it, the channels for communication are running smoothly. When The Sun appears in a reading, thoughts and plans are crystal clear. Fortunately, with The Sun high in your sky, you will have confidence, drive, ambition and charisma to achieve your aims. Nevertheless, you need to ensure you don’t use that charisma to be too pushy. You may think you know best, and to a point this may true, but you really shouldn’t try to bend everyone to your will. If you have questions regarding a romantic relationship, ask yourself if you are trying to change your loved one or are they trying to change you? Have you been having a difficult time recently? If so, you will be delighted to discover that your circumstances will change dramatically soon – a fun-filled, carefree future awaits you. Keep your eyes open for a new relationship. This may not be a romantic revelation, in fact, it is more likely to be platonic, but it will be highly influential in your life. If you fancy tying the knot or starting a family, The Sun suggests this could be the ideal opportunity.

Reversed Meaning

As ever, The Sun is a positive card, but before you run up a flag to celebrate your success – slow down. Your goal is in sight, but you haven’t crossed the finishing line just yet. Firstly, you need to ensure your goals and ambitions are reasonable. Secondly, whilst confidence will help you achieve your goals, over-confidence will hamper your progress, so a little modesty can go a long way. You may also find that your personal circumstances hinder your progress. Don’t panic, there may be little you can do to change these, but staying positive will see you overcome even the most awkward of obstacles. When it comes to relationships, honesty will be paramount. Are you really as happy as you make out, or is there some room for improvement – could it be time to get talking? It may also be that you are so impressed by seeking personal glory, that you are ignoring those closest to you.


Recently you’ve been basking in the sunlight, but have you been trying to kid yourself into thinking you’re happier than you are? Or even only looking at the surface of situations? Hopefully, your happiness has been genuine and you’ve been having a truly wonderful time. This will act as a sure foundation stone for future endeavours.


Express your feelings and ambitions. Success and happiness are in the air, and it’s the time to reach up and grab them. You can manifest your goals as your self-confidence glows like the warm, radiating Sun. You’re feeling positive, and are in the spotlight. If you’re in a relationship, accept your lover for who they are, don’t try to change them.


What a great card to have in this position! You’re moving away from any past negativity, towards a much happier time. A new relationship looks likely. This may develop into a warm friendship as much as a love match, but still it will be rewarding. Business and educational endeavours are enhanced by easy communications and all your efforts will be rewarded.

The Sun Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

New friends, self-confidence, successful relationships, a mentor, a wise friend.

The Sun Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Sun brings warmth, light and pleasure both in the meteorological sense and in the case of this lovely tarot card. If you have a partner you will find yourselves grinning like the proverbial cat from Cheshire and so you should, life can be very sweet at the moment. When The Sun shines upon you he brings the blessings of life, such as marriage, birth, a good income and fulfilment as your plans reach a positive conclusion. This is magical time when you and your lover form an ever closer bond.

So far so good, but what about singletons don’t they deserve a place in the sun? Of course they do and they are just about to claim it. This is a time for those looking for love to make sure they are out and about so they can meet someone new; this is not the time to be a wall flower. Not only is that special someone out there for you they every bit as fabulous as you’ve hoped.

Single or a regular Darby and Joan? Either way the Sun reminds you to take pleasure in life without self-consciousness – let your inner-children build some sandcastles together.

Reversed Meaning

You um and you ah but you’re not sure why, perhaps it seems your relationship has lost its way or that your loved one is not paying attention. Alternatively, it may simply be that the demands of modern life are making it difficult for you to spend quality time together. As a result you and your amour may be engaging in silly squabbles, it’s time to prioritize your romance to preserve your passion.

When the Sun is reversed your communication pathways can collapse in a heap, so try to be clear and patient. Beware of selfish behaviour – either yours or your partner’s. Try not to be unrealistic in your expectations regarding your squeeze, they are only human.

If you are single do not let past disappointments make you pessimistic about potential partners. You may have met one bad apple but the rest of the tree could be full of the sweetest fruit. Remember, you don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy.