Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Home, family, down-to-earth, practical, sensuous, reliable, loyal, caring.

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

The four suites of Tarot Cards each have four Court Cards; a Page, a Knight, a Queen and a King. This Tarot Card can be seen as representing an individual, either their appearance or their character. The Queen of Pentacles (also known as The Queen of Coins) can be seen as a dark haired, brown eyed woman, or a woman who is something of a domestic goddess.

Upright Meaning

The Queen of Pentacles is one of those people who is always available to help other folk. She is a home and family orientated individual who will go to any lengths to help her kith and kin. Furthermore, she does this willingly and uncomplainingly. Underneath this softly softly approach, she can be quite a tough business woman with a knack for making money. Some may see such a person as a doormat, others as controlling, whilst someone else may think such behaviour is commendable. What is your reaction to this image of the earth mother? Remember, whatever your gender, this archetype could represent part of your character. On a more concrete note, the appearance of this Card can also suggest someone with this type of energy could be about to enter your life. This person may be a man or woman, but they will have a nurturing nature. In business and fiscal matters, keep an eye out for a mature woman who has great financial acumen and who can help you reach your goals. The Queen of Pentacles asks you to consider your nurturing side. Are you taking good care of those who depend on you, including yourself? This Card urges you to look after your health, eat well and take exercise. Health also includes your mental and spiritual well-being. So, The Queen of Pentacles also encourages you to explore your creative potential.

Reversed Meaning

You are a lovely, warm, caring person and everyone knows it. Unfortunately, this means a few naughty fellows see you as a soft touch, and boy, do they make the most of it. You need to learn to say ‘no’ and make them understand that you mean it, even if this strikes you as being a bit nasty. It’s not; it is them who are using you. On the other hand, you or someone around you is being overly suspicious and materialistic. One of the signs that will make this person more obvious to you, is that they will enjoy displaying their wealth to everyone they meet. You could also discover that a mature woman may decide to start an argument with you over money. You will know her when you meet her, as she is likely to be greedy, with an obsession with her supposed social superiority.


You have a lovely warm, caring and nurturing side. Indeed, you seem to have found time to nurture everyone, well almost everyone, you see there was someone you forgot, and that was yourself. You must remember to address your needs too.


Are you the nurturing type, ready to help, fond of those more dependant than yourself, and home loving? If so make sure you get some “you time”. If not, someone with these qualities is coming into your life. Lucky you!


Creativity is going to be your middle name, and inspiration will be all around you. Try to look out for a very nurturing person. Someone who’s home loving, fond of children and animals, but very practical, can be a great help to you.

Queen of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Home, family, parenthood, sensuous, reliable, loyal, caring, moving in together.

Queen of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The person represented by the Upright Queen of Pentacles is a sensible soul and a dedicated parent. Family focused they have fiscal acumen. They are also quite a homebody and enjoy making their abode comfy and cosy.

Single souls need to get arty and crafty to find amour. Workshops, galleries and lectures could find you meeting a serious love prospect. If aesthetic activity doesn’t appeal you can find charity begins at home when you meet someone special at a fundraising event. People who enter your life at this time are likely to be drawn to long-term serious relationships

Long-term couples can find their relationship gets an extra boost. If you fancy a romantic break together, now would be an ideal time to open up the holiday brochures. 

Reversed Meaning

The character represented by the Reversed Queen of Pentacles knows the value of money, in fact it’s the only notion of ‘value’ they understand. They are innately selfish and love is a meaningless concept to them. Eventually money won’t make them happy but they’ll be utterly miserable and lonely in comfort.

If you are single and seeking someone, you are unlikely to find them hidden amongst a load of spreadsheets. If you really want to meet someone you will have to get your work and leisure time much more balanced. Even if you have a partner you need to ensure you are not using up all your energy and enthusiasm at work and then neglecting the most important person in your life. Of course, it may be that you are not in paid employment, in this case demanding offspring or caring concerns can limit the amount of time you have for love. It’s time to make some space for ‘me’ time. Furthermore, don’t let your partner present you with the pleasure of doing all the household chores, remind them that partnerships are about sharing and that includes the washing-up.


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