Tarot Card Nine of Cups Keywords

Well-being, contentment, happiness, satisfaction, self-satisfied, smug, sensuality.

Tarot Card Nine of Cups Description

Odd numbers are often particularly positive when it comes to tarot card numerology (although fives can be a bit more ‘difficult’). So it won’t be too much of a surprise to discover that the Nine of Cups is sometimes known as ‘The Wish Card’.

Upright Meaning

There is said to be a Chinese curse that goes, ‘may all your wishes come true’. When the Nine of Cups appears in your reading, there is no need to be so pessimistic, your wishes can be realized in a positive manner. Nevertheless, the Chinese sages knew a thing or two. To really benefit from all The Nine of Cups has to offer, you need to take responsibility for your ambitions and know what it is you really want. The chances are you will get what you desire, but make sure you will not regret it in the future. The Nine of Cups encourages you to celebrate all that you have achieved so far and to rejoice in your situation. There is a proviso to this, and that is that you don’t allow all your successes to make you too smug. Remember that smugness can lead to others rejecting you due to their envy. Furthermore, when the green eyed monster appears, you need to watch out, as it can cause resentment and manipulation. The Nine of Cups suggest that your plans are likely to reach fruition, and that you are entering a time of celebration and happiness. Still, don’t forget that you still need to be willing to work hard and remain focused. If you fancy trying your hand at something creative, you could find that you are more than delighted with the results of your endeavours. Equally, previously learnt skills can also be employed to produce dividends.

Reversed Meaning

You may be living in a fool’s paradise. Everything may seem fine, or even perfect, but this may not actually be a realistic assessment of the state of affairs. Is there an underlying problem which you are deliberately ignoring? This is not the time to be complacent or self-satisfied, but to address the issues before the situation deteriorates. You also need to consider if you have been a bit too self-indulgent recently. If so, a little more self discipline is likely to help you succeed. Equally, it may be that you have been grinning like the cat that scoffed the cream; cut it out – this is the sort of attitude that will alienate those around you and see you vainly seeking help when life is a bit less sweet and your smile eventually fades.


Have you been resting on your laurels? Your recent triumphs have been impressive, and you were right to feel proud. But are you perhaps becoming a little smug? Or is it that too much self-indulgence has been holding you back?


This is a great time to set in motion any plans you have, as they’re likely to succeed. Just remember to be careful what you wish for, as the chances are you’ll get it! Enjoy this enchanting time.


You can expect plenty of pleasure and sublime sensuality in your romantic relationships. Any dreams or ambitions stand a strong chance of success. It will seem as if you can’t put a foot wrong. Be cautious though, others may be envious.

Nine of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Contentment, happiness, satisfaction, mutual dependency, wrapped up in each other, cliques, sensuality.

Nine of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

What do you wish for, shhhhhh don’t tell or it won’t come true, unless or course the Nine of Cups appears in your reading in which case it is highly likely to happen. The Nine of Cups is without doubt one of the jolliest cards in the pack and it suggests your life should be entering a fabulous phase. A word to the wise, don’t over analyse your happiness or worry about it coming to an end, enjoy it for what it is with a thankful heart.

Would it be stating the obvious to say singles are likely to find someone special soon? Parties and celebrations are ideal opportunities to seek a new amour, so get your glad rags on.

Reversed Meaning

There is nothing wrong in expecting great things from your romance but you have to be a bit realistic. Is it possible you are seeing your lover through rose coloured glasses? Beware of someone who may seem suitable but is secretly selfish or prone to substance abuse. It could also be that you have spent too much time and effort impressing others with your social status; your flashy possessions may attract a potential mate but is it you or your moolah that has really caught their eye?


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