Knight of Cups Tarot Card Keywords

Sensitivity, romance, over dramatic, rescue, imagination, falseness, two faced.

Knight of Cups Tarot Card Description

The four knights of the tarot pack can be interpreted in various ways. One interpretation is based on the physical appearance of someone whose influence is foretold by the card’s presence in the reading. The Knight of Cups is said to portray an adult under thirty-five years of age, who has brown hair and blue/grey eyes.

Upright Meaning

The knight represents the energy of a given suit of cards at its most extreme, so emotions are running rife in your life at the moment, or soon will be. At its best, the Knight of Cups suggests a liaison which is passionate and romantic. Indeed, there is every chance you will find yourself involved with an amour who is charming, emotional and a great lover, who wants to do their utmost to please you. If your relationship is rocky, this card suggests that you need to consider if you have expected too much from our partner. If the answer is no, then you may need to inject some romantic moments back into your relationship. Equally, the Knight of Cups can ask you to question whether you are being totally unrealistic in relation to your friendships, business or family life. This could mean that in your search for perfection, you have set your goals too high and that no-one and nothing can please you. Alternatively, are you about to rush out and rescue someone, or do you hope to be rescued? Either way, you need to establish that things are really as they seem. For example, does the person you are going to ‘save’ really need or want saving in the first place? In business and creative matters, you are able to be very inventive, but you may find difficulty in benefiting from your abilities because of an unrealistic approach to their implementation.

Reversed Meaning

Hurrah, here comes your saviour on a white horse, armour shining in the sun. Hummmm, perhaps you need to look a bit closer, is that wonderful white charger actually a dragon in disguise, could it be that the shiny armour is showing more than a few specks of rust? It might be that your hero is actually a horror. In matters of cash and business, keep your eye on the details, as there could be some sharks swimming along with the fiscal fishes, and your savings could make a tasty snack for them. Even if charlatans aren’t eyeing up your readies, an unexpected event could see your shares slide and your pennies plundered. In social and relationship matters, the reversed Knight of Cups suggests you will be in contact with a petulant and irritable individual who is sensitive to their own feelings but totally disinterested in the needs of others.


Have you been a bit 'in love with the idea of love' rather than a fallible human being? Or perhaps you have been fooling yourself about what you require from a relationship? Have things become a little stale between you and your partner?


Have you been honest with yourself about your feelings for someone? If so, this card suggests a romance to relish has either begun or will very soon. Your partner will be a great lover, charming and eager to please you.


Your dreamboat will soon be pulling alongside. Look out for a luscious sultry person and this partner can be a great lover, charming and eager to please you. But be warned, your amazing amour can also have a sulky and melodramatic side.

Knight of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Sensitivity, romance, knight in shining armour, perfect lover, falseness, over dependence, two faced.

Knight of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Here he is, Mr Romantic himself, the Knight of Cups. If this card represents someone you know, get your best vase out because you are about to be inundated with flowers or other signs of affection. They love the very idea of love which is great, but can lead to them chasing after everyone in sight as they search for romantic perfection. That’s the problem, none of us are the romantic ideal; we all snore, catch colds, or get the grumps from time to time, once the Knight of Wands realises their idol has feet of clay they’re off on their hopeless hunt for human perfection once more. Ah well it was fun while it lasted. Of course it could be you that is always on the lookout for your next great romance, if so try to keep it real.

As long as they are willing to enjoy things while they last, singles are likely to enter a fun phase full of excitement which they can enjoy with a new special friend. Nevertheless this is not the time to dream of the wonderful future you want together; live in the moment.

Long term partnerships may struggle as you seem to grow further and further apart. Your partner may find the practical side of life boring and, for them, the grass may begin to look greener elsewhere.

Reversed Meaning

Your lover may be full of promises but a promise is only any use if it can be delivered, your amour maybe all words and no actions. They may think big but never stand the remotest chance of fulfilling their potential. Their protestations of love maybe exaggerated – don’t take their claims at face value.

Remember you are an individual, don’t lose sight of yourself in order to please your amour; you may need to be more assertive.

Lastly, don’t resort to assorted substances to paper over the cracks in your love life, if you can’t stand to be with them sober or straight you shouldn’t be with them at all.


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