Four of Cups Tarot Card Keywords

Apathy, boredom, dullness, lack of direction, passivity, self-centred, feeling sorry for yourself.

Four of Cups Tarot Card Description

When you find a card or cards from the suite of cups in your reading, they are telling you something about your emotional state or response. In tarot, numerology cards with the value of four tend to be practical in nature and point to a self-reliant attitude.

Upright Meaning

There is nothing wrong with taking some time out to think things through, but when the Four of Cups appears in a reading, it is trying to warn you against too much naval gazing. The Four of Cups asks you to use the opportunity you have alone in a positive way, either to engage in a creative project, seek self insight or take time out for some healing. The problem is, you may not see your situation this way, rather you may feel bored and listless, or worse, become sulky and morose. The Four of Cups tends to suggest that something is being offered to you, but your apathetic state means you can’t see just how positive things really are. This is the time to take a reality check. Fate can inconveniently throw you the odd curved ball from time to time but this happens to everyone now and again, not just you. You may feel an important relationship is reaching a dead-end – but is this really the case? Whilst the workaday world can tarnish the shine on the best partnerships occasionally, a bit of romantic brasso can get things glittering again. You really need to think things through a bit more before you hand in your polishing cloth, or you could lose something good. The Four of Cups asks us to make the time to evaluate our situation, but to do so in a way that is calm and lucid.

Reversed Meaning

You’re bored and you don’t mind who knows it! In fact, you seem to be making boredom a bit of an art. Watch out it doesn’t turn into self-pity and lethargy, because if it does, things can only get worse. You may feel stuck in the doldrums, but there is only one person who can put you back on course. Try to avoid taking every slight and minor mishap quite so personally, or you’ll risk estranging those closest to you. Once you stop concentrating on being miserable and look around, you could find that in point of fact there is something rather special on offer to you.


You have been feeling so apathetic and low, that you missed an important offer or suggestion from someone. Avoid a repeat performance and keep your eye on the ball. The more you interact with the world from now on, the better.


You feel low right now, apathetic, washed out and even hurt. But you don’t have to feel like this, past events were not your fault. Time to grit your teeth, move forward, and wow the world again – you can do it.


The time is coming for you to engage in some self-reflection, but not self-pity. However, don’t worry, you’re still in control, and as long as you are honest with yourself and focus on your goals, all will be well.

Four of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Selfishness, isolation, loneliness, apathy, a recluse, lack of social skills, separation.

Four of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Singles may find they couldn’t care less about meeting a partner as past hurts may have made them over cautious. Or perhaps you just can’t decide what to do next. Either way, don’t turn your back on what the world has to offer, if an opportunity comes along grab it. On the other hand don’t rush in too quickly; there may be more than one door open to you.

Partnerships may feel stuck in the doldrums, try to keep the pathways of communication open but if this fails you may need to consider if your romance has come to its conclusion.

Reversed Meaning

Well done, you are moving forward. For a while there you seemed stuck in the doldrums but hard work and caring hearts have seen you through the bad times, now you are back on course.

If lovers seem as rare as hen’s teeth don’t let it get you down, getting out and having fun will soon draw someone special close. Don’t turn down any invitation, the more folk you meet the more chance you have of finding a charming chum. Don’t let your usual dating habits limit you, try going out with someone who isn’t your usual model of mate, you could be pleasantly surprised. Equally, your ideal partner could be right in front of your nose it’s just you never saw them or thought of them in that way.


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