King of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Authority, energy, mediation, money, domineering, role model, bold, dramatic.

King of Wands Tarot Card Description

The King of Wands can be understood in two ways, one as describing what someone who is, or will be, important to you looks like. The other tells you about someone’s personality. Physically, the person represented by this card may be over 35, with fair hair and light coloured eyes. Alternatively, they may have a powerful and confident character.

Upright Meaning

Like the sun, you are full of energy. In fact, the only difference between you and the celestial furnace, is that you are burning brighter. You have learnt from past errors and now know your true worth – you may even have gained some new skills in the process. Best of all, you recognise your abilities without being arrogant. Your view on life is positive and your ‘can do’ attitude will take you wherever you want to go. Don’t be afraid to take a few risks to obtain your goals, your insight and wisdom will help make sure you don’t put a foot wrong. If you have a dream you want to fulfil, now is a great opportunity to take a chance and make it happen, particularly if it requires an audience of some kind. If you have an innovative idea or have invented something, try and take things a stage further – luck favours the brave! You could also receive assistance from a man in a position of power or who has the ability to move your aspirations forward. Workwise, a larger than life authority figure could become your mentor and help you to develop your career. A work related presentation or project could give you a chance to shine, don’t be afraid to take centre stage. In romantic matters, a confident and charming individual could steal your heart. Generally, The King of Wands means you are at your most bold and charismatic, and this card encourages you to ride this wave into your dream future.

Reversed Meaning

You know you have what it takes to move forward, but someone in power is less convinced and may try to hold you back. If you feel that this is not the case, but your career or plan is not developing as well as you have hoped, it could be that your own fear of responsibility is hampering your progress. In the social, family or work aspects of your life, you may find yourself confronted by an arrogant, overbearing man who believes he is right and tries to impose his views and morals on everyone around him – don’t be bullied. You may also be at risk of becoming involved in a dispute of some kind; you’ll be in a weak position as an authority figure will not be on your side. It might be best to beat a dignified retreat.


You’ve felt blocked. The problem was your attitude to power. You have felt uncomfortable when offered positions of responsibility. Time to change that, and aim at promotion. Alternatively, someone in power has been blocking you. Try to seek practical solutions.


Mistakes happen, but you have moved on from them. Use what you have learned to move forward. You seem to be bursting with energy and personality. Take a few risks based on your new insights. Remember, fortune favours the brave!


You’ll be oozing confidence and energy, so do make sure you use it well. Go out and achieve your goals. And when you have achieved them, make sure everyone knows. The best place for you will be in the spotlight of attention and acclaim.

King of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Being swept off your feet, a daring and exciting lover, dramatic gestures, passion.

King of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

This charismatic chap couldn’t be dull if you paid him (and he’s no stranger to money, in fact he can be quite the entrepreneur and his generous nature means you will benefit from his success). Whoever this card represents is a natural leader with more energy than a power station. On the downside they have a stormy temper but the clouds still pass and all is sunny smiles again. Such a person is loyal, although you may occasionally wish things were a bit less exciting. Whoever this represents enjoys the physical as well as the emotional side of love and can be very skilled in this area.

He is the ideal card for folks in a relationship as he suggests a profound love – although this may not be without the odd tiff.

Reversed Meaning

Of all the bossy, arrogant self-righteous, bombastic individuals, the person represented by the reversed King of Wands can take the biscuit. If you come across this bully the only thing you can do is meet them head on. Just make sure it is not you who is behaving badly, playing the authoritarian to your amour is not going to go down well.

If you’re single be very careful that any new beau is all they seem. The reversed King of Wands can warn you that someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, don’t let them take you for a fool. This could mean they are gold-digging or being economical with the truth to put themselves in a good light. At worst it could be they are already spoken for or have a string of lovers and want to add you to the list.