Seven of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Courage, testing, conflicts, challenges, stamina, delayed rewards, resolve, principles.

Seven of Wands Tarot Card Description

The number seven enables us to understand the world around us almost by instinct, and this means you can be particularly efficient at dealing with any problems that come your way. Added to this, the energetic vibe of the suite of wands means you will be something of a force to be reckoned with just now.

Upright Meaning

Almost all of us want to be liked, the upshot of this is that we often say ‘yes’ when we need to say ‘no’. You know the situation; your partner is away on a business trip, you’re rushed off your feet at work, an elderly relative needs your attention, little Johnny split his trousers at school so you need to run around to get a new pair for tomorrow, dinner has to be produced from somewhere, then horror… the phone rings; ‘Can you chair the PTA meeting this evening, as the chairperson’s busy?’ Naturally, you want to help and would normally meekly say ‘yes,’ but the Seven of Wands encourages you to politely decline. You can only do so much, and you have every right to say ‘no’. When the Seven of Wands appears in a spread, compromise may not be the best way forward. That doesn’t mean you need to be belligerent, just a little bit firmer than usual. You may find your plans faltering, but there is no need to give them up for lost, although you will probably have to show a certain amount of determination to ensure they succeed. There is a caveat to this, namely, you need to feel confident that your ambitions are important enough to you to make it worth going that extra mile. You can reach your goal, but you will have to accept that you could be in for the long-haul. In general terms, the Seven of Wands urges you to follow your convictions, as long as you are positive they are right for you.

Reversed Meaning

You may be facing a crisis of conscience. Take the time to decide what you truly believe. Someone around you may have a rigid belief structure and expect you to share their opinions. You need to decide whether to humour them or tactfully, but firmly, point out that you disagree. You could find yourself in conflict with an organisation or a person. You may feel tempted to back down and let sleeping dogs continue snoozing, but this could be a mistake, as you may find your position is actually the stronger. If you give in now, you may be building a rod for your own back in the future. At worst, your compliance may mean that you will miss a golden opportunity which is yet to come.


You have been unsure of your moral ground, others have tried to push their values and beliefs on you, and you have taken the path of least resistance. Or was your conscience a little queasy? Try to put things right.


Sometimes you have to stand up and be counted, and this is one of those times. Don’t let yourself be bamboozled. The time has come to follow your beliefs and convictions, and be ready to face any opposition.


You will have to confront and contain any opposition to your plans. But is it worth the effort – are you serving your values or someone else’s? The courage of your convictions is laudable, but only if they truly are your convictions.

Seven of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Testing relationships, arguments, power struggles, postponed dates, sticking to your principles.

Seven of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Now is the time to fight for what you want (no, not literally). You may find a flirty foe is hanging around your loved one like a bad smell, don’t let this go without comment, you need to encourage them to go and annoy someone else. Alternatively, it may be career obligations that are curtailing your cuddles, whatever the cause you need to confront it head on.

The Seven of Wands asks you to think about what your priorities are and set some boundaries, even if this does cause a few raised voices. Try to calm things down where possible, as long as you co-operate progress is a strong possibility.

Reversed Meaning

Like it or loathe it your love life may need a little TLC, a laisse fair attitude is not going to help in the slightest. You need to be pro-active; hanging back won’t find you Senor or Senorita Smashing. Even if you feel shy you need to put on a brave front and go out into the world. People will be drawn to your personality, and don’t worry about falling for a fraud; your romantic radar is on good form.

Some people just don’t know when they are not wanted and just such a person could be eyeing up your partner; don’t be afraid to tell them that their absence is preferable to their presence. They might bluster a bit but don’t be bullied. Any problems that beset you now need to be faced head on. Nevertheless, couples need to be calm and sensible when interacting with each other – bullishness will not help the situation.