King of Cups Tarot Card Keywords

Good advice, maturity, authority, threat, wisdom, sang froid, balance, controlled emotion.

King of Cups Tarot Card Description

There are a number of ways of interpreting the court cards such as the King of Cups. Traditionally, they have been used to describe the appearance of a person. The King of Cups is said to represent a very fair man with blue eyes who is over 35 years of age.

Upright Meaning

The King of Cups suggests emotional maturity and wisdom, someone who can keep calm when everyone around them is flapping like pigeons in a field of corn. However fraught the situation, the person represented by this card can keep their head and use their wisdom to cut through any confusion. In work matters, the King of Cups suggests you can get the job done and that you can accommodate the peccadilloes of your colleagues with tolerance and good humour. If you are self-employed or work under your own steam, you will have the self-discipline needed to produce good results. If business or official matters have been playing on your mind, you could benefit from a meeting which will put you in touch with an intelligent and respected professional person who can offer you some sound advice. In romantic and social settings, you will have a relaxed and calm demeanour. Generally, when the King of Cups appears in your reading, it often means that you will meet someone who can give good advice and offer wise insights into the actions of others. At first, this person may seem a little cold and distant, but when you know them better, you will realise that in fact, under the still waters is a maelstrom of emotion. Alternatively, it could be you that is able to guide others who have grown to respect and value your sang-froid and wisdom.

Reversed Meaning

Sometimes self-control is commendable, but it can also do more harm than good. It may be that you have reached a point where you have been so contained for so long, that you seem to have forgotten how to express your feelings at all. The time has come to accept your strengths and weaknesses and work with them, instead of hitting your head against a brick wall. You could find yourself being blackmailed, OK, there is no need to call the police – this is blackmail of the emotional kind. The perpetrator is likely to be an older person who can make life quite miserable for you unless you confront their tricks. When it comes to cash or business keep your guard up, as you could come into contact with a canny or even dishonest operator who would like to benefit at your expense. This person is no fool, so you need to keep your wits about you.


Self-control is good but you have been taking it too far, you have been blocking feelings that needed expression. Perhaps a mature person has used emotion as a means of controlling you. Time to accept your feelings and work with them.


Whatever your goal is, you have the dedication, patience and ability to achieve it. An authority figure is on your side, and they want to be your mentor offering you good advice and support. Relationships are relaxed, happy and harmonious.


You will develop a sense of serenity to life. This will enable you to evaluate relationships and act accordingly, perhaps even advising others. If you have issues that need input, do seek advice from a calm and emotionally mature guide.

King of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Long term relationships, bossy friends, dominating friends/lovers, wise friends, cold-hearted, undemonstrative.

King of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

A quirky, creative, individualistic and intuitive individual, the emotionally aware King of Cups is a fascinating person. This fellow values family life and is an excellent partner and parent. Despite all this they have a downside, they can be a bit moody and when they are upset they can make a lot of noise – but their bark is far worse than their bite.

Single folks seeking a delightful amour should get arty. Art galleries, creative courses and concerts can be the ideal places to find the friendliest of faces. Remember to be true to yourself and wise to your own needs and emotions to find your perfect mate.

Partners need to parley. Ensure you take the time to express you emotions to each other and then your love will become even more profound.

Reversed Meaning

Reversed King of Cups’ Love Secrets

The reversed King of Cups represents a complex individual. They are capable of forming a close bond but are often too busy with other things to concentrate of romance. They can be controlling, selfish and can resent having to engage in the give and take of a successful relationship. The person you are interested in may not be that interested in you or they may be leading you on with no intention of forming a partnership.

You need to consider your own emotions, are you able to keep yourself under control? Do not act until you are cooler. You may find your partner is being domineering and difficult, don’t let them boss you round. Speak to them calmly but don’t be a doormat.


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