Nine of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Strength, resourcefulness, potential difficulties, defence, prepared, resilience.

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Description

Nine is the number of the visionary, the person whose ideas are so far ahead of their time, that few folks can follow them. Unfortunately, this can mean that their originator is misunderstood and mocked. If you feel you have a fantastic idea that isn’t getting the support it deserves, don’t despair, the energy from the suite of wands will enable you to overcome any opposition.

Upright Meaning

Upright nine of wands meaning – Previous problems may have seen you fearful and frowning, but you have moved on and gained in confidence. You have also learnt some important new skills. True, you may be a little over-cautious in your urge to avoid future problems, but this will ease with time. Try to ensure that your natural wish to avoid unpleasantness does not descend into becoming defensive, untrusting or bitter. If you give way to these negative emotions, you may keep yourself safe (to a point), but you could also miss out on a lot of good times. Stay balanced, and you will be able to remain conscious of your gifts and weaknesses which will help you greatly in the future. Talking of the future, do not be afraid to follow your hopes and dreams, the lessons life has taught you will help you get wherever you want to go. If you want to develop a relationship or a business, make sure the foundations are solid, wait patiently until the conditions are right, then when the opportunity presents itself, move forward. Spiritually, you have earned the great gift of knowing yourself. In the future you may find yourself facing a few obstacles or unco-operative people, don’t become downhearted, persistence pays off. Don’t forget, if you can’t take the direct journey to your destination, a ‘B’ road may take you to the same place by a more interesting route.

Reversed Meaning

The reversed meaning of nine of wands is to succeed, you need to be flexible and creative, but you seem to be firmly stuck on the same track. It seems the strategies you are following are simply not working now (however well they have served you in the past). Therefore, you need to think ‘outside the box’ and try something new. Determination is vital to achieve any goal, but stubbornness is counter-productive and could do serious damage in the long run. You may find that your situation is changing rapidly, you need to change with it, as moving with the times can reap its own rewards. Your relationship might not be reaching for the skies right now; the reason is you are way over the excess baggage limit. Dump what you don’t need and leave the past behind you.


You have had reasons to feel defensive in the past, but it has become something of a habit. People find it hard to get close to you. Your relationships have suffered because of this emotional baggage, time to dump it – and quickly!


You have been through rough times, but now you have re-grouped your resources and feel ready to move on. Indeed, you’re stronger and wiser and now you know your own strengths and weaknesses and how to make the most of them.


You have been developing certain aspects of your character, and you will have the opportunity to use them. Be adamant, do not take no for an answer. Keep on pushing your goals forward and use all your resources to achieve that glittering prize.

Nine of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Feeling defensive, overcoming obstacles, potential difficulties, resilience.

Nine of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

You remember Madonna’s old hit that told you to ‘Express Yourself’? That’s what you need to be doing now. You may have to put your foot down when someone challenges your moral code, or it could be that your messages are not coming out clearly. Allow for some give and take but remember this is a two way process. Equally, don’t let a past disappointment cloud your world view. If you are really worried about being hurt let your loved one know so that they can reassure you.

Single folks may feel they are stuck in a rut and that romance happens to other people but never them – this is about to change. Try and work out why a previous relationship failed and learn from your experience.

Reversed Meaning

The Reversed Nine of Wands can have a number of possible meanings, so check out the cards around it for clues as to which apply.

You may feel someone is trying to browbeat you and it is possible that your lover is not showing their most sensitive side. If you are finding their behaviour irksome a calm and collected chat could be called for.

It may be that your lack of self-esteem will lead you to underestimate how attractive you are and how much you can offer to the lucky person who wins your heart.

There is the possibility that as much as you want to be alone on a desert island with your heart’s desire, the mundane aspects of life constantly call upon your time, leaving you drained. As a result your sweetheart may feel neglected. Can you delegate some tasks or rearrange your diary so you can spend some special time together? Alternatively, is one of you commitment averse, or is it that so much is happening that you don’t have the chance to make long-term plans?


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