Queen of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Magnetic, attractive, home loving, practical, generous, independent, dependable.

Queen of Wands Tarot Description

Court cards such as the Queen of Wands, tend to directly refer to a person. They can be seen as describing their appearance or their character. The Queen of Wands is said to denote a woman over 35 with red or light brown hair, often with blue eyes. Alternatively, she can be seen as a woman who is practical, outgoing and independent.

Upright Meaning

This card suggests a charismatic person is about to enter your life, they could well be born under the sun sign of Leo. Equally, it may be you that discovers your fiery passionate side. If so, your personality will act like a magnet and you will attract the admiration of others – great if you are seeking employment or looking for love. Talking of love, if you are single, you’ll be delighted to know that a sexy someone is waiting for you around the corner, best of all, they will make you feel very special too. Longer term relationships can also benefit from a plethora or passion which leaves both parties feeling fabulous and flirty. On a different tack, if you are interested in the theatre, either as a career or just curious about joining the local amateur dramatic society, this is the ideal time to attend an audition. If local or national politics beckons, you could find yourself gathering a gang of eager supporters. Business matters should also bloom when the Queen of Wands turns up in your spread, particularly if you listen to your intuition. Perhaps you don’t feel quite ready for the limelight yet, don’t worry, a radical new hairstyle or snazzy outfit in a vibrant colour can make you feel on top of the world. Generally, any change, however dramatic, can work out well as you face the world with confidence. If you are not normally a confident person, think what you can do to give yourself a boost; a positive affirmation or a lucky charm could help you realise just how strong and vibrant you really are. With the Queen of Wands at your side, you can be sure you can make a positive impression when it counts.

Reversed Meaning

You are very popular at the moment, you just don’t realise it. The cause of your self-doubt could lay at the door of a woman in your circle who enjoys putting you down – don’t listen to her. Similarly, you could find that you are lumbered with a female who tries to take over something that is important to you. This wouldn’t matter so much if it wasn’t that she is totally incompetent at the matter in hand. Romantic relationships could be compromised if one partner develops a roving eye.


You’ve been in the shadow of a female friend or colleague, and you felt overlooked, but was she all she seemed? Step out of her shadow. Or have you been so self-assured that you have neglected your softer more intuitive side?


You’re going through a magnetic phase. You feel gorgeous, and that is because, quite frankly, you are! Optimism is your ally, and your charismatic confidence can pull people and opportunities towards you. Make the most of this time and relish it.


The time is approaching when you’ll impress all the right people. Not surprising, as you are full of energy, optimism and charm. A sizzlingly sexy someone will be gravitating towards you. But then who could resist your comely charms?

Queen of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Feeling drawn to someone, soul mates, domestic bliss, desire, dependability.

Queen of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Queen of Wands represents someone who is independent yet enjoys romance on their own terms. They are outgoing, friendly and self-reliant with many friends and admirers. They are not overly worried about what others make of them and can be a little eccentric, yet, they can also be very practical.

If you are single you need to stop worrying about the impression you give others and celebrate your own individuality. You also need to be out and about; Mr or Ms Marvellous is not going to come knocking on your door. If you are seeing a new squeeze, their sultry sexiness will drive you wild and fortunately they’ll feel the same way about you.

If your romance is more slippers than satin sheets, you’ll be glad to know it’s time to slip into something sensual, as the passionate Queen of Wands is about to liven up your love life. If you manage to get out of the bedroom for a moment remember this lovely lady is all about fun, so grab your partner and do something daft.

Reversed Meaning

Remember Violet Blott from the Just William books who said whenever she wanted something ‘I’ll scream and I’ll scream until I make myself sick’? Well, you could be about to meet her (or him). Their ambition is admirable, the methods they use for achieving their goals isn’t. Fortunately, they are so self-centred they are likely to lose interest in you before long. Watch out though, the reversed Queen of Wands may also represent someone who would like to ruin your romance. Of course it is just possible that it is you who is trying to dominate your loved one, you may think you are always right but rest assured others will disagree. Don’t just hear your partner’s voice: listen to them. One of you may be feeling a bit neglected, make sure to take the time to cuddle up close and chase any feelings of insecurity away.