Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Change, fluctuation, uncertainty, resolution, glitches, loss of focus, adapting, flexibility.

Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Description


Pentacles (also known as Coins) equal cash, and to be honest, one or two other things as well, such as property and resources. The value of the Two of Pentacles in numerological terms is Two. The number Two represents negotiation and the ability to change one’s plans according to the situation.

Upright Meaning

At last, you are beginning to realise just how talented you are and your confidence is growing. The knack to benefitting from the vibe this card brings, is to see change as something to be welcomed rather than dreaded. The Two of Pentacles suggests that there are a number of possible directions before you, and some of them can be very rewarding, but you need to be flexible in your approach. The Two of Pentacles can be a very jolly card which encourages you to relax and be open to new experiences, as well as being prepared to seek new solutions to old problems. Talking of problems, there is a minor hitch which could cause you some annoyance. Although your finances should be fairly stable, you may be tempted to overspend. The Two of Pentacles reminds you that as in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, you need to be adaptable to develop and make the most of your prospects. Nevertheless, there is plenty of scope for you to get enjoyment out of life; indeed, a sunny disposition can draw more chances and helpful folk into your orbit than po-faced seriousness. In relation to your work, home life and romance, you need to be sure you have all these areas in balance, as you may find yourself privileging one over the others, with a negative result. This is a time when you can find yourself juggling many things at once, and as long as you keep this at a reasonable level, there is no reason why you shouldn’t find this exhilarating and satisfying. Lively, fun times await you; as long as you are willing to change plans and grab any opportunities that come your way. Whilst there could be the odd minor setback to your progress, your strength of character will see you through without too much difficulty.

Reversed Meaning

Wow, you should get a job in a circus! I’ve never seen so many plates in the air at the same time! CRASH, well that had to happen didn’t it? Even you can only do so many things at once. To save crockery and your nerves, let someone else take some of the strain. It may be that you and that special someone have started playing emotional games with each other. This is a flawed strategy that cannot work in the long run, you need to talk sensibly.


You’ve been juggling far too much at once, keep on like this and you’re bound to drop something. You’ve been over working your body and mind. If a relationship has degenerated into mind games, it’s time to stop playing.


All those skills that you’ve developed are amazing, and you’ve just started to realise your own worth. Continue with confidence. Whatever changes happen you can manage them, but be aware of the balance between work, home and leisure.


As long as you’re willing to be flexible and explore new solutions to problems, life is on the up. Embrace the changes around you, and you could be in for some very lively and fun filled times ahead.

Two of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Changing relationships, losing the spark, resolution, glitches, resolving arguments, adapting to others, flexibility.

Two of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Looking for love? Then you’ve found it. However, there is a complication, lovers can be like buses – nothing for ages then two arrive at once. At least you’re spoilt for choice. 

Single or spliced you need to remember that, like it or not, you have other demands on your time besides romantic matters. Try not to become overburdened as you struggle to please your boss, delight your loved one and get the kids off to school on time. Some relationships will take a change of course when the Upright Two of Pentacles appears, there is little you can do to alter the tide of events, but don’t automatically assume that this change is for the worse.

Reversed Meaning

Single folk may discover they suffer from a glut of goodies and find themselves spoilt for choice when two possible romantic possibilities make themselves known. The wisest course of action is to do nothing and let fate take a hand.

It may be that you think you have found someone but your relationship is in its early stages. Check that this person is reliable and constant before you get too involved. It could also be that whilst your lover is lovely, someone else is being two faced and is untrustworthy.

There are only so many hours in the day – are you trying to cram too much into them? Make sure there is enough space in your diary for love.


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