Fool Tarot Card Keywords

Eternal optimist, exploration, adventure, immaturity, passion, unpredictability, a quest.

Fool Tarot Card Description

The Fool is usually seen as the first card of the tarot, but instead of being given the number ‘1’ its numerological value is actually ‘0’. The Fool is in fact, a clean slate waiting for life to write a story on its pristine surface.  Still, what a silly fool he is, there he is about to wander off a precipice without taking any notice of the loyal little dog at his side who is barking a warning. Nevertheless, there is hope, he has a bag of provisions with him which should enable him to overcome the leaner days ahead if he uses them wisely. Perhaps we shouldn’t be too unkind though, he does at least have the enthusiasm to set off on life’s journey rather than sit at home in front of the telly – OK, they didn’t have TV when the cards were first designed, but you’re no fool, so you get the idea.



Upright Meaning

The Fool is the first card of the tarot pack, so it is fitting that it represents new beginnings. This new beginning may not be something you planned, but that need not make it something to fear. Think of it rather as a new adventure. Like any adventure, you may find yourself facing challenges and frustrations, but the Fool reminds us that the outcome of these can be as dependent on your attitude towards them as the skills you carry in your travelling bag. When you face difficulties with confidence, optimism and energy, they are likely to shrink, change character or even disappear altogether. The Fool reminds us that if you can’t make an informed decision a ‘leap of faith’ can lead to you bounding down the right path, as long as you follow your heart. The Fool also reminds us to celebrate our inner-child and cherish those moments of enthusiasm and joy we experience when we start a new project or fall in love. Talking of love, well, we probably aren’t. When it comes to romance, The Fool suggests there is a danger of falling in love with love, or that your lover may be wild and exciting but that they are also likely to be unreliable, feckless and faithless. In relation to sexuality, The Fool might be seen as something of a ‘swinger’ as he represents erotic energy and pleasure, but an inability or unwillingness to commit.

Reversed Meaning

Whenever you look at The Fool, he seems to be heading for a tumble, but when he is reversed he is already head-over-hills rolling down the mountain, Oh dear! What a mess! If only he’d listened. Ah well, he’s rushed in where angels fear to tread and I doubt it’s for the first time either. When he is reversed, The Fool is a wake-up call telling us to stop behaving like a spoilt child and take our responsibilities much more seriously. This is particularly true if we find ourselves in a new or different situation. The reversed Fool also reminds us that we are not alone in the world and we need to ensure that our actions do not hurt others. He reminds us not to make rash promises or ignore the feelings of others in our rush to self-gratification. When it comes to our career, the reversed Fool asks us to consider our relationship to authority. Are we being a little immature, seeking to pass the buck or shying away from positions of responsibility? Generally, when The Fool is reversed, you can almost be 100% positive that the difficult situation we find ourselves in is in some way connected to indiscretion, impulsiveness and impatience. When reversed The Fool counsels us to slow down, think and be committed which is, it must be said, rather dull, but not half so dull as having to free yourself from an avoidable problem. In his reversed form, The Fool is frequently trying to tell us to stop, listen and think before we act. He reminds us that we may hear every word spoken to us, but that is of little use unless we also listen.


Perhaps you have not been listening to advice as closely as you might. Have you been rushing in where angels fear to tread? It maybe you have been plunging into things too soon. In relationships it appears you may have been in love with love. That is in the past, and now you have learnt to look before you leap.


Life is full of surprises at the moment. This could be the time to let go of your worries and self doubts; it could be worth taking a leap of faith. If you are confused about a decision The Fool suggests you take a deep breath, believe in your abilities and follow your heart. Don’t avoid your responsibilities in this hedonistic haze!


There is a possibility of new beginnings and changes in the future. You may find yourself much more carefree and optimistic than usual. In relationships a wild and exciting friend or lover becomes central to your life. In matters of romance The Fool suggests erotic energy and pleasure, but unfortunately it also suggests a lack of commitment.

The Fool Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Passion, seeking a partner, exploring new relationships, refusal to commit.

The Fool Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Are you ready to take a journey into the unknown, will you risk all for lurrrrrve? The Fool knows that faint heart never won fair lady or indeed, lord. You can reach your romantic goals but you need to pack a case full of hopes and head out on the road. It’s not that you have to be brave or brazen, but that you have to be willing to try, to go out, face the world and take risks. If you are looking for love be willing to search in the most unlikely of places; you might be surprised at who you may find.

The Fool is the first card in the pack and so he is particularly associated with new relationships. If this has you glowering at your computer as you think to yourself; ‘I’ve tried every dating site on the web’, don’t despair, it’s just time to try another tack. Stick with the websites but also think a bit laterally, is there a different approach you could try? This is the time to be bold, if someone catches your eye take positive steps to capture their heart. Remember; ‘Don’t be shy, go up and say Hi’. Even if you have to suffer the odd rejection don’t lose faith, you will find Mr or Ms Right.

The worst thing about starting a new relationship is the fear of rejection. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, perhaps, but fools probably have more fun than those over cautious angels. The Fool is a card which encourages us to have faith in the world and to know that when we fall we can pick ourselves up. So, if your confidence is concussed or there’s a slump in your self-esteem The Fool urges you not to be downhearted but try, try and try again.

In simple terms, the fact you tried and were willing to take risks or even face embarrassment will win you The Fool’s favour and, more importantly, the favour of someone who could become very special to you.

Reversed Meaning

Upright, The Fool often involves an element of sacrifice, reversed he tends to mean the opposite, in this case you need to stay true to yourself rather than changing dramatically to please someone else. Whilst this isn’t carte blanche to behave abominably there is no point in trying to pretend to be something you’re not. If your love interest can’t accept you for who you are you may need to move on. Equally, it could be your lover who is putting up a front and they are not all they seem. Use your head, are you getting warning signals? Perhaps some of their stories or their behaviour don’t add up. When this card appears it can also mean that your present or prospective partner is too immature to sustain a serious relationship or they just can’t commit, or it may be that it is you who needs a bit more space.

If you are single the reversed Fool encourages you to be brave, try looking for love in new places or try dating someone different from your normal choice of squeeze.


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