Four of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Completion, peace, security, harmony, changes of abode, delayed returns.

Four of Wands Tarot Card Description

The number four is seen as a practical number, and represents self-reliance and the motivation to overcome anything that stands between you and your goals. Add a sprinkling of the suite of wands’ energy and a ‘can do’ attitude, and this could be a recipe for success.

Upright Meaning

Break out the bubbly, dig out your dancing shoes and sing a joyful song, you have just been given one of the jolliest cards in the tarot pack. At its simplest, the Four of Wands suggests you should be skipping along to happier times. A fresh boost of confidence can see you able to enjoy all that you have achieved so far, and make your ambitions seem so much nearer. The Four of Wands suggests that your inner-child is bubbling up to the surface and you are eager for some light-hearted fun. Go on, pamper to your childlike side with a trip to the seaside, and spend the day exploring rock pools, or you may prefer all the fun of the fair and a ride on the bumper cars. If all this seems a step too far, why not enjoy a candyfloss or ice-cream that sends your taste buds on a sweet trip down memory lane? On a more serious note, if a job or relationship leaves you unhappy or dissatisfied, it could be worth making a dramatic change. The space this seemingly drastic move creates, could soon be filled by a new love interest, friends or colleagues that make your life much fuller. Single folks looking for love could be in luck, as the Four of Wands often suggests that a new and amusing squeeze is likely to bring some sunshine into your life. If you have a beau, there is the likelihood that the two of you could take your relationship up a level by moving in with each other or even tying the knot. If you are thinking of changing home or purchasing a property, you could find that the situation progresses in a positive way.

Reversed Card

Normally, reversed cards are as popular in a tarot spread as a wasps’ nest in a jam factory! With the Four of Wands, things are a little different. When reversed, this card usually means that you will reach your goals, but that there will be a delay or you’ll need to try a little harder. At worst, the Four of Wands reversed means you have been a bit too hedonistic and need to apply yourself to the more mundane aspects of life and work. Alternatively, you may know full well it is time to move on, but mask your problems with partying.


Can’t you party people turn the volume down a little! You have been a social star, but it is time to calm down and look around. Have you been neglecting something or someone very important in your happy haze?


Let the good times roll! The four of Wands is asking you to come out and play. Your charisma burns as brightly as the Sun, and others will want to share your light. Get out with friends and share some fun times.


A new dawn is breaking and the sun is shining on you. You will find yourself meeting new people and being involved in bright projects that will make the world sparkle. Stale ties need to be broken so you can move on.

Four of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Moving in together, stable relationships, security, harmony, changes of abode.

Four of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Some mighty changes connected to family issues revolve around this card; marriages, engagements and even births could enter your sphere now. Couples are likely to have built their relationship on firm foundations and could move forward to new landmarks such as moving in together, marrying or starting a family. Couples whose chicks have flown the nest can now enjoy spending some quality time together. Generally, where the Four of Wands appears good news follows.

Reversed Meaning

You really aren’t the dead loss you’ve managed to convince yourself you are. You’re not perfect, but who is? It’s time to accept you have your foibles and even celebrate them. Be brave and take some risks.

Recently, relationships are likely to move from the heady excitement stage into something more meaningful. This means you will have to put in some effort. If this gives you the heebie-jeebies you’d be better to bail out now. If it’s you that wants more from your partner, now is not the time to go making demands. You will be more likely to get your way if you are patient.

Longer term partnerships can expect the odd issue, don’t worry, it’s just a summer shower that will soon pass.