Three of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Opportunities, inventiveness, long term goals, partnership, ambition, stubbornness.

Three of Wands Tarot Card Description

Wands are a lively energetic card, and the numerological value of three is all about communication. So when the Three of Wands appears in your spread, you can expect some worthwhile conversations. Three is also a number associated with fun, so a good time spent with agreeable company is likely.

Upright Meaning

An exciting adventure is on the horizon, and your journey could take you to places you never imagined existing. In this case, the excitement is almost certainly of the pleasing variety, and unlikely to be shocking or unpleasant, although it could be a bit of a surprise. To make the most of your adventure, you need to consider where you are now and where you want to end up. Furthermore, don’t let the excitement of the moment make you leap recklessly into the dark. Your trip will be much less stressful if you check that you are properly prepared, although this is not an excuse to dither, hesitate and let the moment pass either. As part of your plans, the Three of Wands asks you to take a companion with you, obviously this could literally mean a fellow traveller or it could mean that you invite someone else to share a business venture, or come with you to enrol on a course. It may also be that you will not meet an individual who will share in your enterprise, but that you are called to work for the greater good of others in a more general sense. Remember that all the gifts which are being offered to you now could turn into a burden if you act solely for your own personal gain. If your road has been rocky recently, your own foresight can save you from further stumbles and you will be able to move forward on a surer footing.

Reversed Meaning

You are so busy looking into the future horizon that you risk falling over the obstacles that lay at your feet. Try to spend at least a few hours in the here and now occasionally. If you don’t act quickly, you could miss a golden opportunity, so get on the case – now. A venture that has started well could begin to flounder, a clash of personalities may be the root cause; you need to sort this out before things become critical. If some kind soul is offering you help, don’t stubbornly turn them down, they can help you to solve your problems. Are you being totally unrealistic about your situation? It is great to be ambitious, but your plans might just be too grandiose to stand a chance of success.


You have been looking forward to the future, eager for whatever is going to happen next. That’s fine and dandy, but you have been so busy looking forward you have been failing to see what was in front of your eyes?


Time to think about how to move forward, make the most of your knowledge and show others the way forward into uncharted territory. Life is a great adventure, but don’t just take, remember it is important to give something back.


Opportunities will appear like sailing ships on the horizon, and you can hardly wait to embark. The time is coming when new adventures will abound. All you have to do is grab them, and move forward protected by your foresight.

Three of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

New romance, working together, someone special, partnership.

Three of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Your relationship is entering a new phase. If you have just met someone spectacular you need to lay the foundations for romantic bliss. More seasoned couples should find themselves working together to achieve their aims; remember communication is king. There is every sign that long term relationships are strong at this point but they can still be improved if you take time to talk and listen to each other. Now is the ideal opportunity to travel together, so dig out those holiday brochures.

Single sailors could find that they gain a new shipmate and are no longer travelling solo – in fact you may face a choice of potential travelling companions. With so many opportunities be sure to choose your partner wisely.

Reversed Meaning

Sometimes you can’t say or do the right thing; if this is the case it might seem easier to hide your head in the sand. This would be unwise; you really need to get any issues addressed and problems sorted now.

The course of true love is seldom entirely smooth and any recent relationships may struggle to get off the ground, this doesn’t mean they don’t have wings, just that a bit of patience is called for. Trying to force things forward will be counterproductive. Before committing to a relationship, check your partner is all you think they are.

In all relationships we have to compromise from time to time, demanding your partner changes to suit you can cause problems. Are you being realistic?