Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Conformity, conservative, security, convention, tradition, family life, inheritance.

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Description


Numbers made of Two or more digits have to be changed into a single digit number, so Ten becomes 1+0, which gives it the value 1. One is associated with being single minded and motivated. Pentacles (also known as Coins) are concerned with the materialistic side of life, such as money and property. One and Pentacles together, suggest a determination to achieve material success and the ability to do so.

Upright Meaning

The Ten of Pentacles is associated with material success and affluence. It is also a Card that is connected with convention. This Card draws on the mainstream notions of achievement, which is great if that is what you desire. Furthermore, the Ten of Pentacles concerns itself with how others perceive us and our social status. This Card suggests that your social standing is very high at the moment, at least with the more conventional members of society, and your bank manager no doubt thinks you’re the tops! If you are not enjoying a fantastic financial time at the moment, you could be feeling decidedly put out, as you see others around you enjoying the good life. In general, the meaning of this Card depends on what you value. If you are the conservative type who has traditional values and seeks to climb the social ladder, you are in a good position to conquer the pinnacle of the social Everest. In contrast, if you’re more Woodstock than stock exchange, you could find yourself bored and constrained by the company that surrounds you. You may even find that something about your job or family background leaves you feeling alienated and trapped. Whatever your take on life, the Ten of Pentacles offers you security. The question is, is that what you really want, or will you find yourself trapped in a gilded cage?

Reversed Meaning

Wealth, family status or a high powered job may have made others’ envy, respect or even copy you, but how do you feel about yourself? You may swagger around the streets, but this could be an attempt to hide the fact that you are really a shrinking violet. Having so much may have made you vulnerable, fearing that you will lose everything you have, or that others are hatching plots to oust you from your throne. Success brings its own concerns, the fear of theft, the need to insure costly items and the jealousy of others. Do you yearn for simpler times? Family members could be making demands by imposing their values on you, intentionally or otherwise. Alternatively, a spendthrift relative or friend could try tapping you for cash.


Others might envy your career, family life or your conventional success. But I wonder if you’ve been using them as a security blanket, and you’ve been feeling vulnerable and unnerved by change. Face your fears because change is unavoidable.


You may be going through a stunningly successful period at the moment, at least in conventional terms. Even if you haven’t made it to the boardroom yet, you know that towing the line will get you where you want to go.


There’s nothing wrong with being conventional and conservative if that is truly what you want. And the chances are that as long as you tow the line, you will be successful. But if you are a natural bohemian, think of changing direction.

Ten of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Marriage, traditional relationships, security, engagement, family members, family life.

Ten of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

If you are single and would sooner be part of a duo, accept any invites that might come your way, even business and work related events could bring you into contact with a cute individual. Remember that your friends may also be excellent matchmakers. If you do meet someone they could be in for the long-haul, so don’t engage in frivolous flirtation for the fun of it.

Couples will find their relationship is just like Mary Poppins; ‘practically perfect’. Emotionally and materially their union is likely to be built on the firmest of foundations – you lucky, lucky people. The Upright Ten of Pentacles is usually related to family issues, so a change of house, pregnancy or new arrival are all a possibility.

Reversed Meaning

There is a risk when the Reversed Ten of Pentacles appears that you are viewing your potential partner as a boost to your ego rather than a person. A lover with looks, cash and youth may make your friends jealous, but what happens when their beauty fades, they are made redundant or age? There needs to be much more to a relationship.

Most people’s relationships are, at least to a certain extent, impacted upon by close friends or family; hopefully their impact will be a feather soft landing with all parties getting along. Alas, this is not always the case and this could be one of those rock hard landings where everyone gets bruised. Talking of families, couples may come into conflict concerning child rearing methods. You need to sort this out when little lugs are out of earshot.

Try not to let your sense of insecurity blot your ‘beautiful friendship’ – give your lover space to breathe. Equally, don’t let past hurts make you clam-up emotionally when it comes to giving your heart to a charming chum, and remember to let them know how much you care.


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