Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Wealth, success, achievement, solitude, independence, accomplishment.

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Description


In tarot numerology, the Nine sees you looking to the future – but these are not mainstream humdrum plans. When the Nine appears, your ideas have an almost visionary quality, although with such grand schemes, a little hiccup or two is likely. Pentacles (also known as Coins) mean cash. So, expect some grand money making notions to pop into your head soon – just try to keep it practical.

Upright Meaning

For once you can feel self-reliant and independent, as you know your way is definitely the right way. A major plan involving whichever aspect of your life concerns you most, either has, or should soon, bear fruit. This has left you with the urge to get out there and enjoy life – and so you should, you deserve it. Intimate romantic relationships tend to flourish when the Nine of Pentacles is in a spread, particularly in their physical aspect. This Card can also suggest you will be drawing pleasure from the finer things in life, so a trip to a gallery, posh restaurant or concert, could set you smiling. If self-development draws you, you may need to explore how you experience freedom; does it perhaps scare you just a little? Alternatively, is it that you fear having to rely on your own abilities, or even doubt that you have the skills you need to be successful in your chosen arena? If so, stop and consider why you’ve developed these notions. If you are feeling a bit vulnerable, you might benefit from learning a practical skill such as DIY or car maintenance. The Nine of Pentacles can also suggest that you have been (or will be) spending time alone; this is probably palatable for you now, as you can take a break from all your hard work and enjoy some quality ‘me’ time.

Reversed Meaning

You have been enjoying the products of your labours, but now these could be under threat. Something in the past could lead you to discover that your castle was built on shifting sand. Make sure that investments and paperwork are in order to avoid difficulties in the future. In relationship matters, self-confidence can be really sexy; being really overbearing on the other hand, is not. Make sure you fall on the positive side of the divide. You have achieved so much that you may be bored and feel that there is nothing left for you to do. In fact, there is a whole world of experiences out there, and you can’t have tried them all! It’s time to release your spirit of adventure and go exploring.


You have been wonderfully self-confident, and your self-assurance has been amazing, but it can also be rather intimidating to others. Or, you achieved all that you set out to do, so it is time for some new goals.


Take a well-earned break and give yourself a pat on the back and one from this Patrick too! Now you can take some time out to enjoy life, make sure you get lots of “me” time. Romantic relationships are really rosy, so engage in some sultry embraces.


Your efforts have paid off. The time is at hand when you will be free to enjoy yourself as you desire. You can go ahead and spoil yourself. Amorous adventures will be absolutely amazing and set both you and your paramours’ hearts ablaze.

Nine of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Being single, seeking someone, space in a relationship, relationships over a distance.

Nine of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Single folk will not feel under any pressure to find a partner and ironically this can make them particularly attractive. Go out and engage in activities you enjoy; the chances are a like-minded individual will want to join in the fun.

People with partners will experience that perfect mix of companionship and independence that is the hallmark of the ideal relationship. The icing on the cake is that whether you are solo or spoken for you should have enough disposable dosh to let the good times roll.

If you are feeling particularly sensible, now is a good time for larger investments such as buying a home together. Alternatively, you may find your mind turning to domestic issues like undertaking some DIY projects.

Reversed Meaning

The reversed Nine of Pentacles is all about balance (or the lack of it). In this case it refers to the need to reach a state of equilibrium between independence and being isolated. Sometimes it means that a person is so independent they inadvertently push others away. On the other hand, they may be so clingy and dependant that their love interest feels stifled.

There is also a risk that you are so busy fussing about what others think of your lover or your relationship that you ignore the person who is dearest to you. Spend some special time with your significant other and forget the rest of the world.


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