Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Taking time out, relaxing, earned success, pleasure in achievement, setting new goals.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Description


Seven’s tend to be Tarot Cards which are associated with the mind. They can refer to psychic or intellectual abilities, as well as often being seen as a sign of good fortune. When this is combined with Pentacles (also known as Coins), which represent material matters and money, you can use your brain to bring a bonanza.

Upright Meaning

Sit down and put your feet up. You’ve worked hard and your efforts are beginning to pay off. For now, the best thing you can do is evaluate the progress you have made so far, and take time out to enjoy the results of your endeavours. Whilst you have been striving for success, it may have been impossible to stop and enjoy its benefits, but now is the time to kick up your heels or simply sit back and chill – whichever suits your style. Of course, you may be one of those people whose career is their hobby too. If this sounds familiar, and you are never as happy as when you are planning your next deal, a rest could see you gnawing the woodwork with boredom. You can consider if you need to continue to invest time and effort into your present scheme, or if a new strategy or direction is called for. Yes, a change can be as good as a rest. Think of the Seven of Pentacles like this; imagine a sculptor working on a block of marble, they need to know when to stop, or all they’ll be left with is some very expensive dust; perhaps it is time for you to step back and let events run their course. You may find yourself facing a crossroads in your life; this could involve your job, your family or a romance. You need to think things through carefully before you decide which path will suit you best. Your previous route may have been comfortable, but it is unlikely to fulfil your needs in the future – has the time come to move on? In general terms, the Seven of Pentacles invites you to accept that you have finished one project and that it is time to move on to new challenges.

Reversed Meaning

You’ve spent so long sitting on the fence, your bottom must be numb! You and your circulation need to get moving. Yes, thinking about a situation is reasonable, but now it seems to have become an excuse to avoid doing anything. If you don’t make a decision for yourself, fate or someone else will do the job for you, and you can’t really complain if the choice they make isn’t one that you like. Alternatively, you could be quite decisive but totally misguided, and the ideas you intend to put into action may be unrealistic or unworkable, so try to keep in touch with reality.


You have been working hard on pet projects, and they are beginning to bear fruit. But don’t rest on your laurels, there’s many a slip twixt cup and lip. You need to be proactive now to reap the best results.


Step back and mop your brow, do you really need to put any more effort into this project, or is it complete? Or are you hanging onto this project? Because when it’s finished you will have to start a new undertaking.


You’re standing at a crossroads right now. The future lies ahead, and it suggests a need to change direction. The previous path may be comfortable and familiar, but soon it will be time to accept new adventures.

Seven of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Togetherness, socialising, working on a relationship, long term relationship, anniversary.

Seven of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

A friendship could change focus for lucky singles, whilst relationships in their early throes could have long-term potential. Solo souls need to be pro-active in the quest for someone cute, don’t dismiss dating someone very different from your usual type of squeeze.

Don’t despair if your relationship seems in the doldrums, there is still a chance things will improve, although this may take time. Even then you may not get everything you wanted; you need to decide if you are willing to compromise, but do not make any rash decisions yet.

Reversed Meaning

There is a lovely song by Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel called ‘Don’t Give Up’, dig it out and take a listen, it could be written for you just now. Have faith and patience then your relationship situation will flourish. Things really aren’t as bad as they seem, now is not the time to rush about like a bull in a china shop or take risks, wait and you will be rewarded. The Reversed Seven of Pentacles promises slow, steady but profound growth in relationship matters.


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