Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Diligence, discipline, willingness to work hard, skill, craft, knowledge.

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Description


Pentacles (also known as Coins) are pragmatic, down to earth Tarot Cards, they deal with money, career, housing or anything that is connected to the practical side of life. In numerology, the number Eight is associated with drive, success and power. When the number Eight and Pentacles appear together, ambition and results become very important.

Upright Meaning

When the Eight of Pentacles appears in your spread, you will have to work for the outcomes you desire. This may sound dreary, but it need not be. For example, if you are learning a new skill, you have to put some effort in, but the Eight of Pentacles suggests your efforts will be rewarded, either fiscally or with the pleasure of knowing you can do something well. This makes perfect sense in matters where there is a tangible outcome, but it applies to relationships too. In such a case, the Eight of Pentacles suggests that the only way you can get the relationship you desire is if the relevant parties are willing to work at things and compromise. The more you put into whatever it is that you are doing, the better the results will be. On the other hand, it could be that you are so good at what you do it has become a bit boring. Yes, you may be at the pinnacle of your career, but you need new challenges and something that you can get your teeth into. It may be that life has simply become too routine. If so, you need to spread your wings and see what new opportunities are out there for you. This could be the ideal time to learn a new skill, explore education or try a change of career. You can make a success of your plans, as long as you remain practical and organised. A hobby you embark on now, or in the near future, could also bring you a great deal of joy, as well as potentially supplementing your income. One word of warning though, this will not provide you with enough money to live on – yet. Financially, if you have been a little more careful than is usual, this can stand you in good stead, so try to keep it up.

Reversed Meaning

All the opportunities are there for you, but don’t expect to receive a gilded invitation to take them up, you need to be much more proactive than you have been recently. You seem to have become trapped in the mundane aspects of life, and this has had a detrimental effect on your long term planning, so you need to look up from the grindstone. Don’t waste your energy on short terms plans which produce fast results, but little profit.


No-one could have accused you of laziness, you have charged ahead with your career, and worked very hard. But can you remember what friends and family look like anymore? In your intense focus and industry you’ve neglected other aspects of your life.


You’re good at what you do, you can almost do your job without thinking. Not much of a challenge is it? Alternatively, whatever you want to achieve, the more effort you put in, the more you’ll eventually harvest.


The time is coming when you’ll feel the urge to widen your horizons. In this case you should be considering something that involves learning. This might mean a new skill, a new language or some kind of educational endeavour.

Eight of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Understanding each other, patience, give and take, co-operation, business partners, colleagues, working with friends, mentor.

Eight of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

If you want to learn where to find romance, try getting an education; as evening classes, courses and learning establishments could all have love on the curriculum. Relationships begun at this time could be for keeps. 

However well you think you know your partner they can still surprise you, this is particularly true now. A change in roles is possible with one partner starting a new job or returning to learning. At first this may seem taxing but the results will be worth any hiccups. Some relationships will develop further; this can lead to engagement, marriage or starting a family.

Reversed Meaning

Good things come to guys and gals that wait and, for now, waiting is all you can do. It might not seem so when nothing appears to be happening but you are on the right track: as long as you don’t try and push things forward.

Nascent relationships may seem to have stalled, but don’t try to speed things along, slow and steady will win the race. In contrast, if you are in a long-standing liaison which has lost its lustre action is called for – a calm discussion of any issues will prove beneficial. Don’t be surprised if your lover feels you are not pulling your weight in some way or that you are over-dependant on them. Whilst some sensitive debate about what you both need from your relationship is in order, don’t allow your other half to constantly carp at you; if they do, you may need to reassess if you’re really suited.


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