Five of Cups Tarot Card Keywords

Loss, disappointment, heartache, new hope, regrets, feeling deprived, acceptance.

Five of Cups Tarot Card Description

Traditionally, fives in the tarot pack are not the kind of cards to have you bouncing about the room bubbling over with mirth. So add the general downbeat vibe of a five with all that heady emotion of the cups, and things are bound to get a bit intense for a while.

Upright Meaning

The Five of Cups is associated with loss and endings. Obviously, few of us relish such circumstances, but when the Five of Cups appears, it is at least possible to make the most of the situation. This card may mean you have, or will soon have, to part with something, but in the long run this can clear the way for something better. Whatever it is that is lost, there will be no point trying to get it back, what’s gone has gone, the only way is forward. Remember, such a loss could involve a profound and cherished belief system, or the realization that a long held ambition will not be fulfilled. Sometimes the Five of Cups’ meaning is more direct, it can point to a loss of something such as a key, piece of jewellery or relationship. You may well feel that the end of a romance is more extreme than losing a key, but the point is the strength of emotion the loss brings rather than the loss itself. Thus the unsurprising ending of an unhappy relationship could be less stressful than losing you car keys in a strange city car-park late at night, when the last bus is but a distant speck disappearing over the horizon, and your pockets are devoid of cash for a taxi. As you might imagine, this card is particularly associated with relationships, and yes, it could mean a current romance is drawing to a close. Alternatively, you could find yourself looking back to a past liaison and wistfully wondering what might have been. Solemn as it seems, the Five of Cups points to a brighter future as long as you keep positive, in which case, you can move forward to find hope and a new direction.

Reversed Meaning

When it comes to the tarot, reversed cards are seldom the bringers of good news, but the Five of Cups is actually a little more cheerful when it appears upside-down. At worst, it warns you that you have become so saddened by your loss that you can no longer see the advantages which have opened up before you. Nevertheless, the Five of Cups points to a better phase ahead, and that your sorrow and regrets will diminish with time. You will soon find yourself building a new future, and even if there are a few sharp pebbles in your path at first; the past has provided you with the skills and experience to move forward and realize your goals.


A past loss seemed hard to bear, but as long as you have allowed yourself time to come to terms with your situation you should move on. There is hope and happiness out there, be prepared to receive it.


Nothing ever stays the same. Whatever it is that you think you have lost or are about to lose, stay calm. There is no point going over the past, instead look around you and see what amazing adventures are on offer.


Whatever it is you lose and however hard it’s been, mourn it properly, but then let it go. Why? Because when you do you will find yourself moving forwards again towards an exciting period of change, opportunity and insight.

Five of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Breaking up, disappointment, heartache, moving on, regrets, rows, acceptance.

Five of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The past is another country, they do things differently there. Unfortunately a past relationship can hang around a present one like fog and you may need to deliberately put it behind you before you can progress with your current amour. If your romance is making you feel gloomy try not to dwell on the downside, rather, consider the positive aspects. However, if the minuses still outweigh the plusses you might be better to move on.

If you are single, dreaming about the one that got away or re-working an old relationship again and again, it may stop you moving on and meeting Mr or Miss Magnificent. Try not to compare a current admirer unfavourably to past passion, if the first person had been such an ideal match they’d be with you now.

Reversed Meaning

It really is pointless to dwell in the past, so why are you doing it? Let go of a historic love and move on. Is it really fair to continue to tag along with someone just because they are there and you are too lazy or scared to move on?

If you are single you may need to do some work before you are ready to engage with a new amour, there is nothing wrong with this; be patient and give yourself some time before returning to the dating game. It won’t be long before old wounds heal and you can move on.

You are a valuable and loveable human being with the divine right to be treated with kindness, consideration and respect, so if you are in an unhappy relationship – move on. If the relationship is abusive get out now and never go back (don’t be afraid to ask for help from the relevant authorities if you need it).


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