Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Loss, rejection, worry, financial concerns, hardship, insecurity, anxiety, prioritise.

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

Tarot cards with the numerical value of Five are often a bit ‘difficult’ and the Five of Pentacles is no different. When you combine this with the suite of Pentacles (also known as Coins), which is associated with money and material matters, cash concerns are almost bound to add to the creases on your brow.

Upright Meaning

The Five of Pentacles is connected to a sense of ‘lack’, obviously this could point to a cash flow crisis. Equally, it could mean that although you have all that you need for now, you are concerned for the future, or wonder if you have the resources available for a particular project. It may also be that you are materially secure, but are searching for something more, such as a spiritual connection. If social matters have made you sigh, it could be because you feel emotionally deprived. It may even be that you are in a co-dependant relationship and you have become locked in to playing the victim. In romantic matters The Five of Pentacles warns that troubles lay ahead, and that one partner may feel lonely and unworthy. Singletons may be so down hearted that they are neglecting themselves emotionally and physically. So, can you draw any positive message from this card? Yes! If you know there is something missing from your life, you’re half way to solving the problem. All you need to do is discover what it is that you are lacking. Perhaps you need to; be more self-reliant, explore a spiritual path or learn to be less materialistic. In contrast, it may be you are a bit too shy to ask other folk for help. The Five of Pentacles can suggest that you fear rejection – but is this really likely to happen? Everyone needs help occasionally, and most people love to lend a hand.

Reversed Meaning

You are so convinced your horizon is covered with storm clouds, you can’t see any blue sky at all. Yet, things aren’t quite that bleak. To escape the threatening storm, you need to gather your resources and do something. It may be that someone will come and rescue you, but you could find they cause more problems than they solve; and may leave you feeling you’d have been better to go it alone. You may feel something is missing from your life. Money worries are a likely candidate for concern and you may be strapped for cash. The issue may be a little more complex, and it is possible that what you are missing is love or a spiritual path. These problems would be disconcerting enough, but if you don’t do something to address this situation, your health could begin to suffer. The difficulty is that you may feel too apathetic to take action.


You have been fearful of lacking something? This might be money, spiritual fulfilment or more likely affection. You have been so trapped by this fear that you felt you needed to be rescued. Remember that only you can rescue yourself.


You feel something is missing from your life and it could be cash, a spiritual connection or love. Have you become the loser in a loveless relationship and are feeling lonely? Improve things, discuss your fears, ask for help and be optimistic.


You’ve been feeling left out in the cold and rejected! You will soon have a chance to move forward. Address your fears, ask for help and attend to your physical and emotional needs. Don’t fear rejection from others – be optimistic.

Five of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Loss, rejection, ending relationships, insecurity, anxiety, feeling undervalued, unrequited love.

Five of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Single souls may feel that when it comes to looking for love they might as well give up. Either the people you meet don’t appeal or, if they catch your eye, they are already happily hitched. Don’t despair; this is a glitch and there is someone waiting for you when the time is right.

Not the jolliest card in the pack, the Upright Five of Pentacles can point to loneliness, sadness and confusion. These feelings may not be the result of romantic entanglements but they can certainly impact upon them. In such cases the partners in the relationship may struggle to communicate, leaving one partner feeling isolated. However bad this may seem the relationship is salvageable as long as both parties are willing to try – compromise is essential.

Reversed Meaning

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Well, the good news is the Reversed Five of Pentacles can refer to an ending, whereas the bad news is that the Reversed Five of Pentacles can refer to an ending – confusing and contradictory? You bet. The point is the Reversed Five of Pentacles tends to mean an ending. Now, this can mean that a previously difficult time is drawing to a close and your relationship will improve. Alternatively, it can mean that your romance has reached the point of no return and it is time to let it go. The only way to tell which applies is to look at the meanings of the other cards in your reading.

The appearance of this card in a reading reminds you not to let fiscally related frowns impinge on your romance, the situation will change.


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