Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Prosperity, philanthropy, generosity, power, charity, patronage, gifts, giving and receiving.

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Description


In tarot numerology, Six is the number of service and protection. As it is associated with Pentacles (also known as Coins), in this case there is a likelihood of patronage of some sort. It could mean that you will act as a mentor or someone else will be mentoring you.

Upright Meaning

You are a kind and generous soul, so what’s not to like? The answer could be nothing, but on the other hand, it could be that your generosity comes with no strings, but cables, attached. The same could be said of your benefactor if it is you who are receiving largesse. Are the favours and items which you are giving (or being given) unconditional, or are they a potential weapon in a power struggle? If you are a beneficiary of gorgeous gifts, ask yourself how you feel about the situation, is your treatment fair, or is it a way to stop you seeking rewards that mirror your true worth. In relationship matters, you need to be sure that you are not trying to buy someone’s love, or alternatively, that someone is not attempting to purchase your affection. You could even find that you are given a gift you don’t really want or that offends you. The undercurrent of this Card is power, and who wields it. Beware of someone playing the victim; they may seem weak and helpless, but they could have discovered a very clever way of bending seemingly stronger folks to their will. Assuming you are confident that you are not using your position in a negative way, and that those around you are being straight forward and honest, the Six of Pentacles can be a positive card. It suggests that commercial success and all the rewards that go along with it; such as satisfaction and security, are within your grasp.

Reversed Meaning

Money! Money! Money! Is not so much your mantra as Spend! Spend! Spend! The notes and coins in your pocket seem to be on fire – such is your eagerness to throw them away. Ever heard of saving something for a rainy day? Before you invest in someone’s latest scheme, slow down, are they really all they seem, or could they be full of designs on your hard earned cash? Even if dishonesty is not an issue, be careful with any investments you make. If possible, delay doing anything for a while. Relationship matters are not favoured at this time, and there is a risk of a ‘loss’ of some kind, possibly through an argument, although there could also be an erosion of trust which sees you and a friend or lover moving apart.


Have you been receiving help from a benefactor? Of course, kind generous people do exist but you might be wise to consider what they gained from the situation. For example, could they have been trying to buy your love? Think carefully.


You may be acting like kindness itself, or perhaps someone is acting as your benefactor. This is wonderful, but it might be worth spending some time considering what the power relationship is here. Could someone be trying to buy your friendship?


A generous benefactor will soon be joining your circle. Whilst this is good news do be a little cautious, check out the motives behind their generosity. In particular be aware of the flow of power in this new relationship.

Six of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Mentor, helper, caring, carer, charity, patronage, gifts, giving and receiving, power struggles.

Six of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Dreaming of dating someone delectable? A doyenne of dosh could be dashing to meet you. Charity work could also provide the opportunity for you to meet someone charming,

You may have been hiding your wishes from you partner for fear of them dismissing your dreams, yet you could be in for a shock. They could actually agree with you. Furthermore, they may be more than willing to help you achieve your aims. Even if your romance has been a bit ropey you can expect an improvement as you pull together. Money worries could also melt away when business booms or a family member looks favourably at your finances.

Reversed Meaning

We can’t always get what we want and it is possible that the person who sets your heart a flutter is totally disinterested in you. Singles need to make sure money worries don’t leave them feeling second rate and unworthy of a date.

Recent romances could come to grief when partners discover they are not only reading from a different page but an entirely different book when it comes to moral issues. This is not insurmountable but it will certainly take a lot of work and compromise for things to move forward.

We all like to spoil our dates and lovers – and why not? Unfortunately, a few unscrupulous souls view this as an opportunity not only for a free lunch but free breakfast, dinner and supper. Don’t fall into their trap.


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