King of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords

Competent, responsible, reaching the top, insensitivity, materialistic, promotion.

King of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

There are four ‘King’ Tarot Cards in the Tarot Pack; these can be understood in a couple of ways. They can refer to the physical characteristics of a person, or their psychological profile. The King of Pentacles (also known as The King of Coins) is believed to represent a dark haired man with brown eyes over 35-years-of-age. It also describes a person who is successful, cautious and conservative.

Upright Meaning

This Card shows an individual who is successful in some field. Furthermore, this person is quite content to be at the top, and with whatever method they took to get there. This character is the ideal business person; they can ‘wheel and deal’ and are a natural entrepreneur. If you are an employer or business person, they could be a real asset to you. Not only are they innovative when it comes to creating cash, they are also remarkably reliable. You may recognise this person by their unusually high mathematical skills. You may find that they have far more of this ability than you would expect from their general demeanour. The arrival of the King of Pentacles suggests you are entering into a fruitful period, and this will lead you to move further and faster. In romantic matters, this Card is an excellent sign, and implies that this could be the time to make a commitment. If sport or any form of competition interests you, this is your opportunity to go for gold. For, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can achieve the results you want. Professionally, you should begin to seek out new challenges and promotions, particularly if you have been working in your field for a while. Equally, if you have been studying an academic subject or learning a new skill, you should expect to see positive results from your labours soon.

Reversed Meaning

You have a loving and meaningful relationship with your bank balance, however, this may have developed at the expense of those who should be closest to you. Put down your ledger and embrace life! Relationships can be damaged due to insensitive behaviour by either one of you, so try to understand how the other person feels. There is a world outside your workplace, and it may be that you or your employer has forgotten this fact; do not take on more than you can sensibly expect to complete. You may also need to keep an eye out for a jealous rival who opposes you in money or career related matters. This character is likely to be a man of mature years, he may have a strong and forceful character, but you can still win through, as he is also shallow and not particularly bright.


Did someone push you into doing more than you could possibly cope with? Or was it you that acted as your own slave driver? Whichever, your obsession with the world of work has done little to enhance your emotional relationships.


You’re King of The Castle right now. Well done! Enjoy the luscious ripe fruits of your labours. One word of warning, whilst you might not need to work so hard for a while, you still need to put some effort in.


The time is near when you can reap the harvest of all that hard work. Make the most of your romantic relationship – even to the point of commitment. Climb the career ladder to the top. Energy, confidence and success can all be yours.

King of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Bossy, insensitive, cold fish, dominant partner, head of the family.

King of Pentacles Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Upright King of Pentacles represents someone who is stunningly successful; they love to lead and are practical. They like their own way and will reward your affection with great generosity. This person is no risk taker, but they are a fantastic homemaker.

People who have just found Mr or Ms Right may find that the situation is not developing as swiftly as they had hoped. Don’t worry, all is well, it’s just your partner takes relationships seriously and likes to get to know you well before moving on to the next phase. Whether your relationship is longstanding or recent, this card suggests that one of you struggles to express their emotions. This may be slightly disappointing, but remember actions speak louder than words.

Reversed Meaning

The Reversed King of Pentacles is a person who is well worth the effort of avoiding. They are materialistic, stubborn, ultra-conservative and will do anything if they think there is a profit in it for them. This character is willing to toady up to anyone they see as having authority, whilst busily bossing everyone else. They might not be that bothered about you but they’d love a deep and meaningful relationship with your bank balance.

Single folk may need to lighten up a bit if they are looking for love, as a severe and serious exterior can put many potential mates off. When this card appears you may form a relationship with someone whose income is radically different to yours, don’t let this put you off automatically, despite the difference in earning power this relationship could work.

Couples may find their usually dependable other half is having a wobble (this may be related to work or business matters). If this is the case you may have to step up to the mark and be their support for a short time, remind them that you love them as a person not just a provider.


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