Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Justice Tarot Card Keywords

Fair treatment, karma, winning a judgement, balance, taking responsibility, cause and effect.

Justice Tarot Card Description

Justice holds a set of scales in her left hand, these show that she weighs up the evidence which is presented to her. In her right hand she carries a sword which cuts through lies to the truth, and can be used to defend the weak. Justice sits alone, she is independent and cannot be influenced by others; be it by threat or seeking favoritism.

Upright Meaning

It’s just not fair, you may cry, but is this really the case? It maybe that when you think logically, you can see things a little clearer. This is what Justice asks us to do, take our feelings out of the situation and think things through. In some modern tarot packs, The Justice card is re-named ‘Karma’ and with good reason. Past actions will reap their rewards when the Justice card appears. If that has you a little bit worried (and let’s face it, none of us are perfect), try to view yourself objectively, have you made a mistake? If so, try to put it right. As long as you behave with integrity now, things may well work out for the best. When it comes to making a decision, whether it is career, family or education related, you can surprise yourself with just how sensible you can be – now is the ideal time to make choices that count. If you find yourself involved with wills, debts, buying a home or any legal matters, the upright appearance of Justice should signify that things will go your way. This is also a good time to sign contracts or deal with officials. If romance is more interesting to you, Justice tells you that you will get the lover you deserve, or that a future admirer is particularly charming (hopefully both apply).

Reversed Meaning

Smash! Peter Perfect and Penny Pain are squabbling again, and now something has got broken. You sigh, you know who the culprit is; Penny Pain of course, it’s always her, isn’t it? Of course, she says it wasn’t, but she would wouldn’t she, and you didn’t actually see anything but it had to be her… or does it? You know how you hate it when you get blamed for something that really wasn’t your fault – everyone does, so don’t sit in judgment until you know the facts. This is particularly true if you are a teacher, parent or boss. You need to be sure you don’t unfairly blame someone who is in a weaker position than you, simply because it saves time and they can’t do anything about it. Nor is this the time to try your luck when it comes to pushing legal or official boundaries. In fact, legal action, signing documents or getting involved with officialdom are all ill-advised. It is better to keep your head down and wait for a better opportunity.


In the past, you’ve been under the influence of Karma, and you had been reaping what you have sown. Perhaps you’ve had to accept a situation that developed because of your previous behaviour. Now things have started to improve. Whatever has happened will work out in a positive way in the long term – as long as you maintain your integrity.


It might be time for you to make a major decision, use logic to find an answer. Justice asks you to keep a clear head, avoid an emotional response, but most of all stay with the truth – even if it’s painful. Try not to be judgemental about the past, but do try to correct any mistakes you have made for the future.


You’ll be coming into contact with official systems soon and this could mean the law, judiciary or something more mundane such as clearing any debts. If this sounds ominous, this card suggests a positive outcome. In love you’ll be getting the lover you deserve – or it may show an admirer who’s charming, and has a silky way with words.

The Justice Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Behaviour in a past relationship impacts on a present one, karma, taking responsibility, cause and effect.

The Justice Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Have you been being nice, kind, loving and caring to others? Of course you have, it was a silly question but it’s an important point, you see Justice can be thought of as a kind or karma. A time is coming when you will reap what you sow. This can be great for single people particularly if they have tried to be positive and cheerful despite being a bit lonely, as their fortitude and positivity will draw someone very special to them.

If you are attached there may be issues surrounding fairness in the relationship, is one partner pulling their weight when it comes to the more mundane aspects of life? This does not give anyone the go ahead to be obstinate and dig their feet in because they aren’t getting quite what they want; this is a time for reasonable compromise. It may be that there is something that has been bugging you and you certainly need to explain this to your loved one but think calmly about the way you wish to do this and be tactful.

Justice can imply that a relationship is changing and that it will either move forward to greater things or simply fade away. This could be the time for a serious chat with each party taking a responsible approach to the partnership. When any problems are addressed calmly and honestly the relationship can take on a whole new lease of life. If you decide that it is time to call it a day, try not to feel too bad, as long as you acted for the right reasons all will work out for the best.

Reversed Meaning

It’s just not fair! You’re right it probably isn’t, but for now that’s how the cookie crumbles. Still, a frown isn’t the sexiest of looks is it? You might just have to hide your disappointment with a smile. It could also be that you are simply expecting too much from potential partners – it’s time to get real.

At the moment you may need to consider whether you have got your life in balance, has your quest for love seen you neglecting other aspects of your life? Relationships can be a bit rocky at the moment, could it be that you are blaming everyone for your hiccups when the person in the mirror is at least partly responsible? Don’t play the blame game.