Chinese Horoscopes 2018

Your Chinese sign is:


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The year will get off to a slow start, but it’s promising for Rats. Work through the hassles and emotional quandaries of the first few months and you’ll be free to put your ideas into action. Spring will ring in changes around work and your career path. Some Rats will experience what could be described as a career downturn. Actually, this is a golden chance to move into a better work field or go for the goals you have been cherishing in your heart. Summer will feature travel and celebrations, and you’ll feel as if you’re back in the running. Once autumn comes, there’ll be romance for the single, and for the pre-partnered opportunities to put a relationship on a fresh and renewed footing. To do this you’ll have to express yourself fully and be clear about your aims and aspirations. By the winter, there’s a new freer and more inspired you emerging.

Money 3/5 Love 4/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 3/5


The year, as usual, begins with you rushing around clearing up other people’s messes and seeing to your family’s needs. It’ll be back to normal once a few weeks have passed, and friendships and love relationships will become increasingly your focus. Expect laughter and what could turn into a new romance. When spring arrives, you’ll need to stand up for yourself at work. It would also be counter-productive to allow rumours to put you off your stride. Many Oxen will succeed in achieving work advancement or getting fresh employment during the summer. Family stresses could distract you. Autumn’s a time for contemplation. If you’re creative or seeking a more spiritual life this is the time to connect with the right people and places. The winter will hold minor problems, but generally you’ll be on top form, reorganising not only your own life but those of some of your special people.

Money 3/5 Love 3/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 3/5.



The year will open in a hectic fashion both at work and at home. Try not to get caught up in other people’s dramas. You need to relax and recharge before the spring comes. When it does arrive, you’ll find change and transformation in many life spheres. It’ll be up to you to guide these evolutions. Keep optimistic and don’t prevaricate. For many of you there’ll be excellent work, business, study and artistic opportunities out there. Summer is the time for romance and cementing existing relationships. If you’re travelling or moving home, make sure you’re in the driving seat, and that it’s your visions that are achieved. Autumn is quieter, with time to reassess and concentrate on the people close to you. Late holidays in the winter are favoured, as is reorganising a few things to make your life easier. Think ahead and plan well before the festive season arrives.

Money 3/5 Love 4/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 4/5


This should be an interesting and stimulating year. You’ll find answers to a lot of the dilemmas that have been bothering you for some time. What’s more, your spiritual, philosophical or artistic life will develop strongly, and hopefully take you into new realms of experience. The early year will be filled with workaday tasks, but also laughter, romantic interludes and friendly gatherings. The spring will bring opportunities in all life spheres, as well as fresh contacts and new ideas. Summer is ideal for catching up with study, research or relaxing and visiting faraway venues. Single Hares will discover that a newcomer is more fascinating than they thought. Autumn peaks creativity and is an ideal time for launching a new project or initiating a fresh relationship. Allow the winter to take its own shape. You’ll have to respond swiftly and effectively to the practical needs and demands of daily life.

Money 2/5 Love 3/5 Wellbeing 4/5 Fortune 3/5


During this year you will need to display different facets of your personality to cope with the varying situations that arise. Stay tactful and remain confident at the start of the year, as there’ll be family and relationship pressures circling. Also, watch out for social tensions as the spring begins. Otherwise, there’ll be chances to leap ahead in your career or business, and younger Dragons will find that they are moving in a new social environment and experiencing new faces. Allow the people close to you to make their own decisions. You won’t regret it. Summer will have lazy days and hectic days. It’s knowing which is going to be which that will be the challenge. Luckily, you’ll be empowered to make the progress you desire. Once the winter comes, it’ll be the people close to you that require nurturing and some focussed time. Enjoy the more relaxed social atmospheres.

Money 2/5 Love 3/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 2/5


An exciting year! It’s up to you whether you accept its challenges and forge ahead or rest on your laurels and continue as you are. There’ll be stimulating journeys and visits to other countries, and for some Snakes the opportunity to work and live abroad. However, many Snakes will have their snouts firmly ensconced in their families and loving relationships. These Snakes will find the year is better financially and they’ll move nearer to the life they wish to have. Spring will be a time of renewal and looking forward, so make plans and initiate projects. Summer will hold emotional frackles, delays and home repairs, but otherwise it’ll be a stimulating season. The autumn is especially good for travel or moving home. Your choices will be inspired. Winter will work on an inner level as you realign your goals with fresh insights. You will remove certain obstacles from your life.

Money 2/5 Love 2/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 2/5


Take it slowly as this year begins. Once spring comes it’ll be hectic socially, at work and at home. Horses in long standing relationships will find that they need to take control and guide their partnership towards wherever they want it to go, while single Horses will have a choice to make. Some Horses will move home before the summer ends. Get rid of your doubts and go for what you want. There are powerful Earth energies supporting your choices. Throughout the summer, the focus will be on making plans for the future and relaxation. This could include overseas travel as well as celebrations and gatherings. During the autumn you’ll feel introspective. You’ll need to connect to those close to you to keep your mood buoyant. The winter’s theme will be providing answers to your questions. By its end you’ll understand where you are heading and what you need to achieve.

Money 2/5 Love 3/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 3/5


Follow your intuition this year. It’ll guide you through relationship difficulties and work dilemmas. For many Sheep there will be useful career progress, and for some the chance to move into a work field that’s more spiritually in tune with their inner goals. Despite this, it’s a time to be prudent financially and to avoid loaning money or investing in other people’s business schemes. However, if you want to launch your own business or drive an existing project forwards, choose the summer or early autumn. During spring you’ll need to support someone close as they face their issues. Luckily, the summer will be light hearted with laughter and romantic tones. Expect family tensions and disruptions as the leaves fall. It’ll be down to you to smooth over any animosity and differences of opinion. The winter will be marked by the arrival of good news and at least one celebration.

Money 2/5 Love 2/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 3/5


This year will be quieter than last year: a time to consolidate, lay plans and concentrate on whoever’s special in your life. It’s a time to reflect and connect spiritually. Younger Monkeys will find their educational prospects look better, and older Monkeys may well take on some stimulating study. During the summer, expect difficulties with vehicles and travel. Otherwise, it’ll be a time for fun and family get togethers. For single Monkeys, summer or autumn will bring a chance of love. Be bold and meet it half way. Also, the autumn will inspire you to make home changes or radically alter your image – for the better! Allow the winter to take its own shape, but do avoid arguments and tensions at work or in business: cooperate and compromise. As the winter grows older, creative Monkeys will be inspired towards new endeavours and all Monkeys will experience a breakthrough of some kind.

Money 2/5 Love 2/5 Wellbeing 4/5 Fortune 3/5.


This is an important year for Roosters. Some of you will move a love relationship up to the next level, while others will experience romantic doubts and tribulations. Powerful Celestial energies will ensure that whichever way it goes, it is the right way. More vitally, the year is optimum for finding yourself, whether this is through creative expression, self-analysis or taking a new path in life. Be courageous. The spring will bring new activities and interests. Midyear, be cautious with your money and don’t jump jobs without thorough thought and research. Otherwise, you’ll enjoy the social opportunities and travel chances the summer brings. Don’t allow family hassles and other people’s unreasonable attitudes to bring you down. The autumn will be smoother, with friendly gatherings and enjoyable entertainments at home. Don’t work too hard this winter as you’ll need all your energies for a hectic festive season and useful home improvements.

Money 2/5 Love 3/5 Wellbeing 2/5 Fortune 3/5


Enter the year with a fighting spirit and you’ll be able to forge your way through its obstacles towards success. This is the year to go forwards and do whatever you want to do. If anyone criticises you or stands in your way, explain yourself and just get on with it anyway. How can someone else judge your decisions? There’s love on the way for single Dogs in the spring or summer. Go with the flow, but don’t neglect the rest of your life for any relationship. The spring’s a time to get your career sorted, and this could mean taking on serious study. You’ve got what it takes. The autumn will revolve around family and home moves or renovations. You’ll be helping someone out, but do it tactfully and empower them rather than taking control. Rest as much as possible in the winter, or work and study demands will tire you.

Money 2/5 Love 3/5 Wellbeing 3/5 Fortune 2/5


This year, proceed slowly but with determination. You’ll get the support you need when the time’s right, and don’t be shy of listening to advice if it comes from a respected source. If it’s love you’re seeking, get out and about as the year brightens into the spring. You’ll be busy socially and at work, so ensure you’re eating properly, taking exercise and resting to recharge your batteries. Summer or autumn will bring positive work changes for some Pigs. Whether these are internal or involve fresh employment, utilise your ideas and communicate. Summer onwards is the time for adopting new interests, studies or making fresh contacts. Some Pigs will be off on their travels or relocating their home. Vibrant Earth energies favour these moves. Throughout the winter, there’ll be a family and love bond focus. As usual, when someone needs nurturing, it’ll be you who steps in to make the difference.

Money 2/5 Love 3/5 Wellbeing 4/5 Fortune 3/5.