Aries 21 March – 20 April

The year begins with drama. Your ruler Mars inches into your sign, and along with Mercury and Uranus, can give you a desire to forge a year of romantic adventures, but very much on your terms.

However, with three Eclipses influencing a more conservative and traditional part of your situation, clearly there has to be some give and take. If you’re solo, someone very different to you, or conversely someone much older or younger, can have a major impact Aries.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Change calls out to you Taurus, especially once Uranus returns to your sign on March the 6th, to begin a near to seven year occupation. You had a little taste of this influence last year when you may have found yourself much more assertive, and that is possible in 2019, and maintaining the status quo can become especially challenging. Still, with Fortune bringer Jupiter in the deepest and most passionate part of your ‘scope and your Point of Destiny, emphasizing communication, the vibe is great.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your relating sector is lit up by joyful Jupiter until early December. This is the first time this has occurred for near to a full year for twelve years, so seize the opportunity to be as proactive as possible about your relationships. If you’re solo, a group situation or even a friend may disguise a simmering, but red-hot passion. In a developed tie, this can be a time of very deep transformation both in terms of how you share, physical intimacy and even division of finances.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Whether you seek a new love or you’re involved in a long-standing connection, 2019 can be a seminal year. Why? Well, there are three major Eclipses in your sector of relating, and one in your own sign on the 3rd of July. All this is going to concentrate your thinking, emotional responses and needs in the most powerful and potent of ways. Some things could change forevermore, but new energy is pouring in, teaching you powerful lessons and bringing great blessings.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The year starts off with a real sense of rock ‘n’ roll, well, that’s if you are single Leo. Why? Well, feisty Mars and rebellious Uranus, both occupy an adventurous part of your situation, suggesting that if you can break out of any set patterns of being, possibilities await. But strangely, those possibilities may emerge from really quite ordinary settings. For example, you may well bond with someone over the office water tower. Involved? Too much routine can suck vitality from the tie.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Dreamy Neptune occupies your sector of relating all year, so keeping a balance between your highest hopes and reality will be needed. Still, this is a year which urges you to cut away anything which is not completely fulfilling you, including a relationship. Being determined to show your true personality to all, but especially potential admirers, is key. Speaking of which, a friend can become so much more, with July and December powerful months for you Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your communicational skills can sparkle all year, but you will probably surprise yourself at times by just how direct you can be, and especially when it comes to your sense of security. This is going to take on even greater importance, but it will be important to avoid being defensive at times, or wanting things all on your own terms. This might seem unlike you, but your more Cardinal qualities can rightly see you demanding more equality and respect in your deepest bond.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Yes, it is true, you are a Fixed zodiac sign, and therefore, you can strongly appreciate stability. But when change tends to blow in to your situation, it can do so quite dramatically and with potentially major changes following. This is a year which can see you transform your thinking, but how you express yourself will be scrutinized more closely by others too. With Uranus shaking things up, the need to balance commitment with the desire to have some freedom can be tested.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You are emboldened as 2019 begins, as Sagittarius with Mercury and Jupiter urging you to break out and just be the authentic you. Mars is going to add to your sex appeal all year round. However, your values, and how they mesh with another person, are also going to be to the fore. If you are well matched, hard work can create more security and no little enjoyment of life and love’s special pleasures. If these are disparate, it may be harder to achieve harmony.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you have spent much of your life playing by the rules, this year and indeed 2020, gives you a unique opportunity to break out of the mould and really discover what is good for you, the individual. Will this feel slightly odd? Well, maybe, it depends on just how much sticking to those rules has bought comfort or frustration. But it is all there for you Capricorn, and the last six months could well bring a truly significant, and new relationship your way.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your quick mind and quirky take either wins you adoring admirers or blank stares. But imagine the connection if you can meet with someone who REALLY gets you, just how amazing would that be? And it is possible this year, as new people, situations and experiences power your way. But to really capitalize Aquarius, you will need to keep working on the inner you and evolving. Single or smitten, the Lunar Eclipse of 21st January will prove pivotal and exciting!

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Uranus gave you a taste of its electric energy for five months last year, and from 6th March this year, he settles in for a longer stay. Mental stimulation will become the order of the day, and with an absolutely stunning Solar Eclipse on the 3rd July, and the support of the North Node and the Point of Destiny in your sector of romance all year, great possibilities beckon. To tap into these, shed material expectations and focus on the things, people or person that make your heart soar.