Indian Horoscopes 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The year 2019 seems to be very important for you, as a lot of positive changes in your life are expected during this year. At the same time, some challenging positions will test your ability and skills.

During this year, your wise decision and efforts may fetch you some wonderful opportunities. On the other hand, you may spend on luxurious items and entertainment during the third quarter. Health wise, the first three months seem to be not so good for you. Take some precautionary measures in order to protect what good health you have. Students, professionals and entrepreneurs especially, will find the year more rewarding. Hurdles faced during the last few months on the work place will start disappearing. An overseas leisure or business trip may materialize in April to October, so apply accordingly. If you are planning to expand your business, then time is favorable for you. There are strong possibilities that your borrowers may return your money. You will want to rekindle romance in life. Differences among family members will be sorted out amicably. You may plan a long journey with your spouse in order to clear these differences and spend a memorable time together. Your reserved attitude helps you come across as interesting and mysterious, and this attracts suitors. You’ll do your utmost to improve your monetary prospects this year, and this is going to bring an excellent flow of income. The early part of the year may bring some uncertain times for those who are seeking promotion in the career. The early part of the year will be lethargic and tiresome for those who want to take a shift in their education. Students, you will get the support of your parents. Also, your maturity level will increase and you will be able to perform your duties successfully.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

2019 will be the year during which your desires come to life. Things that were left half way in the previous year will show tremendous progress now, as you start taking personal interest in them. In view of this, you may be keen on finding the right direction to follow for enhancing your prospects. If you ‘ve been looking for a boost in your courage and the confidence to let your talents shine bright, using your impeccable communication skills would be a boon for you. New financial opportunities will have you ready to jump in with both feet, but do make sure that you ‘re making the wisest decision. You ‘ll make progress on professional and personal levels, so prepare for the tides to turn in your favor. Cash flow is likely to be good during this year. You are expected to get new sources of income which might increase your earnings. You need to stay alert, especially during the months of March and April, as chances are high that you may get injured during this period. You need to control your anger or you may face some pressure while taking some important decisions, especially during October to December. This year is going to resolve all your issues and let you live peacefully and comfortably in your romantic life. Wedding bells may ring for those eligible. Those working in private organizations or involved in trading are likely to find the months of July to September particularly rewarding. Identify any weak areas, and make improvements, if needed, in your working methods, especially during the last months. This year would bring a very high level of emphasis on creative ideas connected to work, and you might be involved in some very large projects. Students have to work extra hard. This is one year when you should listen to yourself and not to others. Elders will also have a good time with their social companions.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The year 2019 appears to be flexible and promising, especially for the first and third quarter of the year. You know you ‘ve sown positive seeds into everything you ‘ve done, so there ‘s no reason for you to worry. Also, you may receive rewards for hard work done in past in the form of promotion. You are likely to put more effort in, in order to get what you want from life. Success may come your way and you might be able to make good money as well. The rapport between you and your partner will improve and you will see your love life getting smoother as the time passes. Property related matters will bring profitable returns, especially during June to Aug 2019. There will be cordial relationships within the family and you may have pleasure trips. Career aspirants will find themselves in a comfortable position for the whole of the year. Students will keep themselves in a comfortable position compared to the previous year. There may be minor and short-term problems in the field of work and at the workplace during March to May 2019, but they will be manageable. There might be instances where your professional colleagues will overtake you in some sensitive career related moves. Give yourself permission to dream as far as your mind can wander. There might be some odd instances of minor ailments and health related difficulties but overall, health conditions remain satisfactory. A good lifestyle will help you in getting rid of any health related issues. If you are single and looking for a partner, then your wish might be fulfilled during this time. An auspicious and religious occasion may take place at your home. Good accomplishment in children’s education is expected. Your hard work and determination will never be in vain.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Don ‘t let fear hold you back, move forward with the confidence of knowing that providence is supporting your every step. During 2019, you will make yourselves comfortable in handling monetary prospects. You name and fame in social status will be bright. Those ailing for some time now will start showing signs of recovery. You may like spiritual activities and could have the blessing of an enlightened master. Students will gain more access to studies and improvise themselves in the areas where they are weak. Think about the greatest desire that ‘s tucked away in your heart and remain faithful, as the planets align to prove that anything is possible for you. You can take help of meditation for mental peace. Family get together’s may bring peace and happiness in your family and also clear any misunderstandings. Children can be more obedient and also respect their elders. All your instincts can work in synchronization with the common objective of progress in profession and finances. This time loves to put influential life lessons to the test, not to break you, but to remind you of your strength. Love, work, and your health will simultaneously receive a refreshing breath of fresh air. This year, you may face some challenges in your business, but don ‘t get too concerned as this might result in something positive. This is going to be one lucky year for you when things will move as planned. You are likely to impress your seniors and boss with your smart and good work. The months of November and December will be the period when a travel wish to a dream destination may be fulfilled. There will be ample time for you to focus on your health and wellbeing. Those who are starting their own business will have to wait for some time to get the profits they desire. Elders need to be alert around eating habits during the second quarter.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Luck shall follow you wherever you go while you navigate through the year 2019, and with the confidence you gained after much turbulence, you ‘ll be better equipped to take advantage of the prosperous opportunities that present themselves in the last quarter. Chances are high of making a huge profit in your business, if you take decisions diplomatically. This year brings a great time for couples who are planning to conceive. You will find a higher level of energy in mostly everything you do in 2019, as there will be an inherent rise in confidence and aggression. Time is favorable for large investments. You must take advantage of profitable situations as soon as they present themselves because the window of opportunity won ‘t stay around for long. Your correct decisions and sharp intellect may give you huge benefits. If you want to maintain your dignity, then you are advised to stay away from gossip and avoid scandals during September to November. Your outlook towards life gets broader as you mature. Planets at the beginning of the year seem to be well aligned to push ahead with prospects in general. This is the time when you should take a back seat and let your team, as well as subordinates, work hard on your behalf. The Planets this year seem supportive at the beginning for students, whether doing basic or higher education. Overall, the year 2019 will be quite pleasing and uneventful on the health front. Make use of this positive period to exhume your potential. For those who are planning to buy a car or property this year, this will be an auspicious time for you all, and good financial status will be maintained. You may also get a good chance to strike big money deals, so make good use of this time. You will be a happy business person at the end of the year.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You are likely to gain reputation and honor at your workplace. Your personality may see an improvement in general, and you may become more courageous in life. Your familial life is expected to give you better results. There will be peace and harmony in your family. In the second quarter of 2019, you ‘ll need to exert some additional effort to overcome the trials that may present themselves. You need to stay alert during the last two months of the year. Also, try to maintain good relations with the females at your workplace. Any money related problems are likely to vanish and you may get back blocked money. If you are working in the government sector, you may achieve good profits and expect name, fame and honor. Long term investments and investing in the stock market might be good for you around this time. Make the best of having love in your life. This year brings a reunion for you on the romantic front, and you will be delighted to have such a love life. Keep your travel bag handy, especially in the first quarter, as you will be mostly on the move. Those feeling not so good on the health front will start recovering from April onwards. In view of academics, students need to be strongly motivated and remain focused on studies. There might be a few insignificant health problems that will be very minor in nature and not at all troublesome during March to May. Those aspiring for higher education will get the right opportunity. Work accomplices may turn into the essential sources of monetary benefits. Some may even fly abroad to fulfill their ambition in their studies. Additional ventures may prove gainful to you. Your field of work may see possibilities of expansion. Cash flow will remain satisfactory, but should be carefully monitored.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Any social activities planned by you may be honored by reputed persons. After some initial disturbance on the domestic front, you may see improvement and a pleasant environment. You may find happiness and inner satisfaction in doing social activities. a hike in your salary is also expected. In your business, you are likely to achieve profits from your wonderful ideas and wise decisions. Give your life partner support if they want to start a new venture at this time. There are chances of getting into a relationship with an older person for some. Students will be keen on devising methods for improving their academic focus in a big way. You would be extremely aggressive in your work environment and will get things done. Improved health may allow you to work towards making more profits. Go through any documents related to financial transactions and contracts carefully. You are expected to invest in a new property or land. You may spend on luxuries and enjoy your life to the fullest. Chances are high of achieving unexpected profit from overseas business. Romantic bliss will be maintained in year 2019, due to extra effort and attention showered on your partner. At the year’s end, you need to spring clean your mind and revisit the drawing board to plan for times to come. Donating to charity may prove to be helpful at a soulful level. You may spend towards acquiring profitable assets during third quarter of the year. Students looking for advanced education may see doors open from government institutes. Expenses on auspicious events, luxurious articles, garments, taxes and children are possible. With a renewed love or a new relationship on the horizon, you ‘ll be feeling very happy. The more decisive and confident you get, the more likely you are to get the life you have always wished for.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Some important improvements are expected within your career. Your skills might improve during this time and you are likely to fulfill all your responsibilities comfortably. Your finances will remain good during this year. You are likely to get new sources of income which might increase your earnings. Sadly, you can expect dwindling fortunes romantically during the first half of the year 2019. Pestering competitors will be thrust out of your way, as if they were being carried by a gust of celestial wind. Some really good opportunities may come to your way, but avoid being overconfident and trust your instincts. If you are running your business in partnership, then your partner may fetch you some wonderful opportunities which might be very beneficial for you. Financially, you may have to remain tight fisted between August and October. However, you may be satisfied with the circumstances at your workplace. Students should try to be in the company of studious classmates and so you need to reboot your professional as well as personal life in 2019. Regular exercise, proper diet and spiritual pursuits will be supportive to radiate good health and sound mind. Some unpleasantness in relationships may be felt during the month of May 2019. Your leadership abilities might bring you new opportunities at work, and you are likely to gain respect and fame amongst colleagues. Your success formulae for the year would be taking bold steps and decisions related to your career and personal life that help you to prosper. The beginning of the year may not be encouraging for married life. Year 2019 may not be considered to bring positive results for lovers. This year is favorable for raising any loans. Elderly people may meet their old friends and it will rejuvenate them.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You will be keen on formulating a perfect strategy to push ahead your financial prospects. This year is going to stay awesome for you, as lots of positive developments are expected. It may change your life. You ‘ll need to be swift on your feet, dear Virgo, because opportunities will come so quickly, any delay could cause you to miss a great chance to excel. You may achieve huge success and it appears that you might be able to break previous records in terms of finance. You are expected to get ample opportunities to socialize, and this is the right time to make new relationships and enjoy good company. You are expected to leave no stone unturned in order to make your life better. Overall, this year seems excellent for you career wise. There will be some financial responsibilities you have to meet this year and the best advice is to start saving from the beginning of the year 2019. Make sure you spend time out of the house being sociable, as this will increase your likelihood of running into a potential mate. You will have a cordial relationship with your family members and will bring happiness. Travel will be beneficial and religious travels can bring happiness and inner peace. You should try to separate personal issues from your professional plans so you can continue on your path to success with minimal distractions. A pending litigation related issue will be sorted out positively by the year end. Those who are be in process of a change of residence or relocation might experience some stress or tension, but that will melt away gradually. Your heart will be so overwhelmed with gratitude, so don ‘t shy away from the opportunity to reconnect with the divine source that ‘s been supporting you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

This year, a stable support system will be vital for creating the foundation you need to maintain your confidence. The Wheel of Fortune will continue turning in your favor, giving your finances an incredible boost. If you ‘ve experienced any type of halt or delay, then the action planet will aid you as you work to get things moving again. Your hard work will give you expected results, as success will surely come your way. Some golden opportunities are waiting for you which might fetch you good results. You will get the support of your spouse, which might be very beneficial for you. If you are in job and planning to change it, then this is the right time to do so. Your long awaited wish is expected to be fulfilled during this year. The planets will pave a road for you to showcase the greatest aspects of your personality, so take advantage of every moment that presents itself to you. Ladies who are pregnant or are planning to conceive, should be extra cautious. God will send someone special your way this year and you will have a great romantic life ahead. You could be in a hurry to push things along to keep protecting your interests for most part of the year. A new partnership or an association that can loosely be defined as a partnership, could bring in special gains also. Your prestige and social status will rise to a higher level. You will enjoy perfect health and well being throughout the year, especially during the early months of the year. Your creative eye will become sharper than ever from February to April. Your colleagues might be neutral, but some of them might be jealous of your success. A good lifestyle and a healthy diet will keep you away from any health related issues. Students will perform well.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There will be relaxation and normality during this year. The second quarter of the year is an excellent time for inquisitives to further their studies. Don ‘t let a slight drop in your savings account ruin your year, you ‘ll recoup everything with even more benefits. Luck continues to shine on you as you enter the final quarter of the year. You may invest in a new business and might get unexpected profits, especially in the month of April. You are likely to spend some wonderful moments with your near and dear ones. If your are in a governmental position, then chances are high of getting promotion along with a high post around the time of June to August. You may plan your dream trip along with your family and spend a lot of money on it. It might be a religious trip. Keep your eyes peeled for any potential new ways to grow your business or promote your company, as unexpected gains are seen at this time. Romantic bonds will grow stronger with time. Your family may be agreeing with your opinions and on your side. You may have to travel a lot due to your work, and these journeys will be quite beneficial. You will get a chance to visit an out of town relative or a school friend and re-live some old memories. With the progression in your financial status, there will be unlimited amounts of expenses too. Couples who have planned to get married this year will eventually have an auspicious time. Those in uniformed services are likely to receive special appreciation or a prestigious award. It is advised that you remain in your current state of work to witness upcoming progress. Ancestral property might become a source of happiness. Instead of becoming argumentative, you should develop a diplomatic and tactful nature, and strive to compromise during the last days of the third quarter.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The saying, slow and steady wins the race, will apply quite well to you during this year. This year may call you to enforce some of the lessons you ‘ve instilled in others in the past, to guarantee they progress in alignment with their potential and your expectations. Professionals will find better opportunities to prove their skills at the beginning of the second quarter of the year. You might be able to perform well in your business. You are expected to get some good profits. You need to be a little sensitive while handling relationship related problems. Singles should keep their eyes open, as someone may be admiring you from afar. Students will start performing well in their education. Focus and determination will get you anywhere. Be patient, as your skills manifest into profits and opportunities that ‘ll carry you through the rest of the third quarter. You may get new sources of income or some really good options may appear during this time. Investments, particularly in property, can prove to be very lucrative for you. You may plan some short trips for work purpose or it may be a long vacation or journey to a foreign country. Also, you may get out of debt if you have previously taken up a loan. You should use this time of professional development to take another step towards your financial goals and let your dreams come true. If you are living in a joint family, there will be some positive spending that was not planned for. Singers, artists and stage performers can receive due recognition, paving the way to reach higher echelons. As a potential outcome, you may follow profound learning also. Your spouse may encounter an unplanned success or growth. You will use your goodwill and influence to maintain a cordial relationship. Elders will have a big smile on their face.

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