Horoscopes Tuesday 9th April 2024

The Moon in Taurus forges an awkward angle with Pluto in Aquarius, so we may feel defensive and on edge especially when it comes to social matters.

We might find feel that others are being nosey and asking too many questions even if they are good friends. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 9th April 2024 please see below… 

Horoscopes Tuesday 9th April 2024

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Sun's link with Chiron means the stage is set for rejuvenation. After yesterday's Eclipse in your sign, this aspect tunes into your core, sparking profound self-healing and enlightenment. Like the phoenix, this could be your moment as you rise from past ashes with newfound wisdom and strength. A fresh chapter beckons which can inspire greater resilience and renewal.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Ready to mend ancient wounds? A healing alignment invites a reset and a chance for rejuvenation. Consider meditation or mindfulness as your tools for transformation and gateways to tranquillity. This period of introspection can help expel the past and welcome in new possibilities. You'll also be more aware of what's holding you back and be ready to tackle it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The spotlight turns to mending bridges within social networks. The Sun/Chiron link nudges you to ease group tensions and rediscover your role in your community. Use this opportunity to allow genuine connections to flourish. Your unique contribution will shine out, reinforcing your place in the communal mosaic. Want your circle of friends to heal, grow and thrive? Now is the time!

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Ready to dismantle those barriers to success? Team Sun/Chiron can help you release the self-imposed chains holding you back from your true potential. Along with the lingering energy of yesterday's Eclipse, it's time to shed these limitations revealing a more empowered you. Release the ties that bind, and your horoscope reveals that your ambitions will be within reach. Just stretch out and seize them.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As the Sun merges with Chiron's healing energies, it's time to conquer any travel issues, including sea or car sickness. Whatever the problem, this cosmic blend empowers you to find remedies that restore your adventurous spirit. You might want to bridge emotional distances too. Reconnect with those from your past, as by doing so you'll heal old rifts and rekindle bonds.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As the Sun in Aries joins forces with Chiron, a profound healing journey beckons. Dive deep into your psyche to untangle any emotional turmoil and self-sabotaging patterns. This cosmic alignment offers a rare clarity, guiding you to release what no longer serves your highest good. As you shed these burdens Virgo, you'll soon uncover a wellspring of joy and abundance.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The current line-up casts a spotlight on mending relationships. This blend of energies can be a salve for partnership issues, whether in love or business. Keen to navigate the choppy waters of everyday dynamics? Use this opportunity to heal from misunderstandings and you'll set the stage for stronger, more resilient bonds. Remember, your innate diplomacy can be your superpower.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A potent Sun/Chiron pairing encourages a look at your health routines. It highlights the need for movement, nourishment and relaxation. Fine-tune your daily schedule by integrating exercise with mindful eating to maintain your vitality. Avoid over-commitment too, as a cluttered schedule can hold you back. Prioritize well-being and allow space to do those things that you enjoy.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Suffering from the shadows of self-doubt? The Sun in Aries links arms with Chiron, shining a light on self-expression and romance. You're being invited to let go of lingering inhibitions, enabling you to be truly yourself. You'll discover that it's possible for you to flourish after all. This aspect is a cue to reclaim the zest for life with open arms and a carefree heart, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your focus turns homeward, as you aim to mend family rifts and create a sanctuary of peace. A healing line-up beckons you to create harmony on the home front. As you resolve domestic tensions and enliven your space, you're not just rearranging furniture, you're laying the foundations for a more cohesive, loving family dynamic. You'll feel a positive difference.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You have an opportunity to smooth over any hurdles in negotiations, and aim for outcomes that celebrate common ground. Your knack for innovative solutions shines bright, turning a potential stalemate into a win-win scenario. It's also a prime time for extending olive branches or mending fences. Seeking healing through dialogue? Your ability to navigate any impasse is key.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Sun/Chiron merger puts the focus on financial wellbeing. Keen to let go of past financial habits that hinder prosperity? This is a chance to redefine your relationship with money and to hasten abundance. Wise budgeting and mindful spending become your tools for positive change. Resist the siren call of impulse purchases, Pisces. It's time to steer towards stability and growth.

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